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Im am referring to a miniature that wouldn't be considered a DnD proxy or an "inspired-by" type.



Yes! And make one for the rocket pig itself, please!


I'd personally like some Pathfinder stats, but I'll take any stats I can get. Lol


As long as it doesn't add to the pricing structure or detract from production. I don't play D&d myself. But I can see folks benefitting from it.


Savage Worlds !


I prefer and play Pathfinder, therefore I don't care about 5e stats. But I prefer to have monsters that don't need stats because they are already in a 5e and pathfinder Bestiary. If they are completely unrelated they are less usefull for my games.


If I am not using a mini for an existing stat block, I actually enjoy creating my own.

Mooseworks Plastic Soldiers

Not one bit useful at all. Just a time sink for you guys at RPG when you could be making more models. A real DM can stat those up her/himself.


My main use for minis is D&D (or other gaming) so stats on your beautiful designs or doing more sculpts of established monsters would be awesome.

Barry Chapman

Something that can be used in a sci-fi genre game, like aliens or armoured troops would be really cool as well. Definitely 5e stats would be cool for some of the minis as clockwork ones, elementals and such already have stats. Excited to see how this goes.


I'm with Christian and Eli, preferring Pathfinder stats to 5E. I can convert 5E stats over to PF if I need to. But a lot of are already contained the monster books. Original monsters can use stats.


Would love love love 5E stats. That is the main reason why I 3d print, collect and paint minis.


New 5e stats would work - or simply a pointer to some existing stats that may be applicable. Same for Pathfinder, OSRIC/1e, etc if you choose to go run with it.


Seems I'm not alone in the popular consensus: Stats for originals, and book/page reference (probably for both 5e and PF) for established monsters.


Best thing would be 1-3 images and a description concept for the monster... that sort of thing is useful for any game... if you want stats past that, fine... I think the best thing would be images, a concept description, and let the community submit their 1 page bestiary entry. Different stats and descriptions would be great. Collect all the best ones and set up a download page... having a top notch bestiary to download might bring more customers .


Stats are awesome and would help sell me your minis. But that's not the main reason why I haven't bought them. Here's what would have me buying your minis, and I'd love this as I think your designs are awesome looking. Show printed versions of the models. They don't have to be painted, but just printed. What will these look like with a FDM printer? There are a lot of cool minis out there to print, but not all of them print well or look anything like their model if printed on anything other then a $4,000 resin printer. Azathoth looks sweet, and it's 1 step above other designers that you included a piece by piece chart for him in the store. But I'd love to see how he looks printed, and what kid of pre-added support is included in the .stl file (if any).

Richard Gallerno

I like the idea of 5E and/or PF stats, but I think that your staff would be better off spending time on creating the high quality sculpts that we all expect instead of stats that would not be used by everyone. I propose a compromise: You could send out requests to create 5E & PF stats for unique sculpts to us, the Patrons, when necessary. The stats might include all of the necessary numbers and skills as well as a detailed background description in the style of Monster Manuals (ecology, plane of origin, etc). The RPG Overlords (long may they reign!) could select one that they feel is best and award a free weekly sculpt to the winner in return for rights to use the stat sheet in the RPG shop in a folder as a PDF along with the sculpt.


I play pathfinder.


I will use the minis mostly for D&D 5e. Would be cool to include stats for non-excisting monsters, but it is not neccesary.


i play starfinder, dnd 5e, call of cthulhu, and shadowrun


Call if cthulhu. Board Game and Rol