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  • Clockwork Overseer
  • Clockwork Hound
  • Clockwork Scorpion




These are awesome!! What do you make these graphics in to showcase the digital rendering of the files?


That's awesome! I just bought a tablet and getting the trial of Zbrush so I can mess around on there a bit :)



Joe Kushner

Options for them without the base?

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 15:30:52 I officially hate you guys now & I shall spend my every waking minute trying to convince the populace at large that you are all servants of a dark and terrible God who is determined to decimate our financial stauts, Lay siege to our retirement funds, and call forth unheard of amounts of PLA filament to be used for creation of these modules, which will again lay siege to our personal finances!!!
2019-04-04 20:47:43 I officially hate you guys now & I shall spend my every waking minute trying to convince the populace at large that you are all servants of a dark and terrible God who is determined to decimate our financial stauts, Lay siege to our retirement funds, and call forth unheard of amounts of PLA filament to be used for creation of these modules, which will again lay siege to our personal finances!!!

I officially hate you guys now & I shall spend my every waking minute trying to convince the populace at large that you are all servants of a dark and terrible God who is determined to decimate our financial stauts, Lay siege to our retirement funds, and call forth unheard of amounts of PLA filament to be used for creation of these modules, which will again lay siege to our personal finances!!!


Wait until you guys see the bonus mini you all get tomorrow!