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Ok our wonderful patrons, here's what's happening!

  • We will have the Undead Dragon for the Giant Killers tomorrow.
  • We will have the Poll up for the extra deluxe for April  up for the Giant Killers tomorrow. 
  • We should have all of April's content up on the 1st (minus the GK extra deluxe)
  • Weekly Miniature Sets will resume on Friday! (more Clockworks anyone?)
  • Will give out a 20% store coupon code to our patrons THIS WEEKEND!

And we can't wait to see what you all choose for next months miniatures!


Leevi Jordan

Ps, the dropbox file coming on the first will be a 3 gig zipped file full of nothing but word files that only say "April Fool's!"


I'd love some bugbears for a future Friday miniature pack 😉🙏


Almost forgot, we will post the new Request Threads as well!