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  • Set of 4 Basic Elementals (air, fire, water, earth) miniatures 
  • Deluxe Graveyard Earth Elemental miniature
  • Epic  Clockwork Kraken (Model Kit)

We also will not include a set for polling choices for future polls.

And themes will most likely not be a part of the Patreon for any future months.

We are going to keep things more varied, giving more patrons a chance to see what they want being made.

**NOTE:  For those unhappy with the Elemental Set for April, I think you will all be very surprised for what we have in store for you!  

Just wait until you see our take on these minis and how useful they will be!



You could turn this whole set for next month into a large cohesive adventure actually ! Starting off on land, your adventurers could face earth elementals. Then the earth cracks open, summoning forth fire elementals. Fast forward to a grave yard where the mini boss/grave yard elemental is emerging from the graveyard itself! Your party then makes it to its destination to the coast where a ship is waiting for them, but not before they are attacked by water elementals. Upon the ship and during a storm, air elementals attack the PCs and crew. And finally just before arriving to their destination there is an epic battle with a massive clockwork kraken! Maybe a mad scientist or mage controlling the weather summons these elementals trying to stop the players. And the mad scientist has made the giant kraken to activate use as a last and final weapon of destruction. Just some ideas 😊


I'll be honest, I originally liked the idea of having a ton of different varied minis for the Patreon, but the more I think of it, I like the idea of having the big themed sets, that allow you to do a session or full one shot with all the elements. :) I'd suggest even perhaps letting people write up and submit One-shots that "use" that months mini's, and then give them out for free to patrons. Or host them offsite, and link to them. That would get the community involved, and give the mini's you're putting out each month, some "extra value" and ready-to-use levity :D


Im wondering if we created a Monster Mini Patreon FB group exclusively to this if patrons here would be interested in something like this. Specifically creating adventures or at least ideas in using the minis for tabletop games


I thought the theme this month was constructs?


Poll option for themes that was selected: "Constructs (golems and elementals)"


I really did like the basic Idea of themed sets every quarter or so. I just think the first theme was far to expansive. Constructs, Elementals, & Golems all should have been themes on their own. Would have made for more of a cohesive set. Varied creatures is fine and probably more usable over all. Still believe the occasional themed set wouldn't be a bad thing. Every now and then you need a bunch of Goblinoids of varying sizes and their warped Giant friends(Troll/Ogre). A lot you can do with themed months here and there.


I'm not complaining a clockworkish Kraken is pretty cool. Now I have some time to write it in.


Elementals will be highly useful. I can't wait to see your take on them!


I also agree, elementals are quite usefull. I would also be happy to have some more very polished models of very basic monsters that often appear. I know, for many of them models already exists, but there are many that don't have a good model. For goblins, since I play pathfinder and really like their different take on goblins, I find the normal goblins quite boring. I also prefer the pathfinder style of trolls, because it places them closer to the original myth and makes Ogre and Trolls more different.