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Let's hear what you all would like to see included in the Monster Miniature Set for next month!  

The highest voted 3-4 will make it in.

***NOTE If either of the sets (Modrons or Elementals) do not win first slot, they WILL NOT be included this month.  

Its an ALL or NOTHING since they are a set.

If a single mini wins we will take only the top single minis for next months set.



A set of 4 elemental is all i need, useful in a lot of situations. I couldn't ask for more for this month's theme


I hope we don't get the elementals since rocket pig games already has some as part of their first Kickstarter.


Go go scarecrow!


I'm really excited about their version of warforged!


Too many choices... I'am with David... plus I already have Nolzur's elementals. You'll end up pleasing 25% of your audience. But you'll never please everyone ;-)


Normally, I wouldnt put up a choice that would take all the monthly slots, but I wanted to see how it went for a change.


Dont worry David, if the elementals happen to win, they will look much much different that our EPIC ones in our store.


It looks like a warforged vs elementals fight to the end for this one!


So many choices, I think having Constructs, Elementals, and Golems all lumped together kind of diffused the idea of a themed set. When they all could of been sets of there own type. I'm going to find it a bit hard to believe we are going to end up with a cohesive set, that one could use as themed adventure path. IMO future themed sets should be narrowed down quite a bit more. Don't take this statement as being negative, just an opinion. For the long haul,(and I'm here for the long haul) themes should be simple-Lava monsters-snow beasts-cave dwellers-etc.


So I think the elemental are short one. Wasn't there traditionally fifth elemental, usually a dark or shadow elemental, often in the form of something like a scarecrow?

Wilbur Massie

Anything but the elementals for me, I just finished running the Temple of Elemental Evil, and have a great collection of elementals printed and done, and wont need anymore for a long time. Any chance of getting one of those weekly sets as my tier reward instead, if the elementals win(as it looks like they will)


I wish we could, but we cant. It would cause so much trouble I cant imagine. Everyone would want swapping and alternative sets being done every month.


If this is causing too many unhappy patrons, we will not include a set again for a poll.

Wilbur Massie

Yeah, I think it is just a bad idea. As it stands right now, 31% of the people will get what they want, and 69% will not. If you were taking the top 3, like in previous polls then mostly likely 70% of everyone would get at least one model they wanted.

Lisa Kellogg

Sets are great Christine just cuz 1 guy has enough elementals or any other set for that matter is unhappy don't let it ruin it for everyone.


Thanks Lisa! We want to do polls because it’s fun and fair. It’s the best way to include everyone :)


Let me preface this with "one guy's opinion." But I can't say I'm a fan of the groups that take all the slots. Like Wilbur noted, in this case you'll only be addressing 31% of voters first choice. 43-48% would be served if the 3 or 4 highest ranking singles were selected. And that's after the groups have taken votes. If the groups were not there, who knows where those votes might go. Now, in the spirit of not pointing out a problem without bringing a solution, I do have a thought. Maybe, if one of the packages wins do 1 or 2 of the models each month for 2 or 4 months. This still doesn't help me since my choice is ranking #4 of the individuals so it would still be bumped, but it takes the all or nothing aspect away and still gets the people that want the elementals their minis, just spread out over time. Just thoughts. I am loving all the models so I'm not distraught, just thinking that groups vs. individual models seems a tad unfair to the individuals.


On the flip side, I like the idea of sets (one person's opinion), because if you're going to get one elemental, you might as well get the full set. Second thought: If the people who do not want an elemental set all "jump ship" and switch their votes to the Warforged option in second place, it will win.


Interestingly, there's still almost 100 more potential votes!


There is already good elemental models out there. I would much prefer models of something that is not available as a high quality model.


Honestly there are simply going to be months where folks won't get what they want. Last month was one for me. This month is looking to be another. Can't win them all. Just keep pitching and hope that eventually it will get made.


Polls close tomorrow morning, get your votes in!

Grey 0815

Have to agree with a lot that has been said here, there will always be month where you don't get exactly what you want, and that is ok. The overall package is still great. But I also have to agree that April really looks like a complete letdown. Elementals have been done to death and you can find a lot of great elemental STLs or physical modeld. By doing nothing but elementals this month it will be a completely lost month for some of your patreons and that is not good. Maybe the idea of sets (which I initially liked) is not so great after all...


I missed voting as the weekend was busy. Agreeing with what's been said. Resin is expensive and preparing the files takes time in an already busy DM life. So I generally only print things I can't grab off the shelf or are exceptionally unique or useful. I don't expect every model to be something I'll print, but it is disappointing to see a month of minis I won't print. I'm looking forward to something different in May though!


At least the clockwork kraken is a winner for Things Not Out There Already (#TNOTA is the new Black)