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(Hey there! This is part 2, and uh... Well, what's covered here and by the first part barely reaches the halfway point of the overall document, lol. The story still isn't done, though with the length of this and the last post combined, you can probably tell that it's gonna be a long one, lol. Hopefully that explains why I've been so quiet recently--this story has been quite a lot. I'm gonna do my best to finish it up, edit it, and have it out before--at the VERY least--the middle of April. But I hope this is enough to whet your appetite for the full thing until then. :> Enjoy~)

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Elizabeth took one last gulp, and that was it. Hagakure’s entire menu had been condensed into a pert little ball that sat just above the bellhop’s thighs–and, incredibly, in only around half an hour too.

Yuki had no idea how much time had passed, however. He’d just been sitting and watching the girl work, staring at her in stunned silence as she lifted bowl after bowl to her lips and chugged each one straight down. Then she did the same with whatever side dish had been brought along. Small bowls of rice, plates of tempura shrimp, lotus root, and yakitori slathered in various kinds of sauces. Along with those, she’d also…
Done something that Yuki would never forget. Something that involved an entire, cooked salmon.

God… He thought he’d have nightmares about that bulge sliding down her throat, stressing the buttons of her dress the whole way down… Or, perhaps, a different kind of dream instead?

Yes. As Yuki had watched Elizabeth feast, he became keenly aware of something.

The sound of his own heartbeat, thundering in his ears as if it sat between them.

Watching the food arrive and quickly be done away with, how Elizabeth would belch after finishing each offering, the way she pawed at her growing belly with only a finger or two at a time, rather than her entire hand… It became rather obvious that Elizabeth was trying to seduce him–somehow thinking that this was a common human mating ritual or something, no doubt. But her odd wiles weren’t what concerned him; rather, his reaction to them was completely novel… He’d seen many a food baby over the years, but for some reason… Knowing that the one that sat across from him… That he had something to do with its ongoing di-gestation…

It was making him think. In certain ways he never had before. Especially not about Elizabeth.

“Simply Burph!~ mmh, delectable.~” Elizabeth sighed, using the hand that wasn’t on her belly to push the final emptied bowl away from herself, now that she’d conquered the Hagakure menu. Even the secret menu… The Hagakure Bowl and all. And the “Tan-Tan-Tan Noodles” too! Oof, Suemitsu wouldn’t be happy if he heard about that…

“Much better than last time, I might add. Certainly more filling.” Elizabeth was sitting straight up in her chair, though she’d pushed it far enough away from the table to allow Yuki a good eyeful of the bump she’d worked so diligently to grow. And this was just the first stop too… “If all the establishments we patronize on this particular outing have refreshments as thoroughly enjoyable as the ones found here… Well, I do think I’d be at risk of asking for seconds.~” She allowed her smirk to narrow her eyes, then released a muffled ourph~ into the back of her hand. Then she whispered, “Those do indeed feel better than I had foreseen… I’ll have to remember to keep letting them fly…~”

Yuki took a sharp inhale after hearing that. Yeah, something was definitely wrong with him. Elizabeth had chugged some Pheromone Coffee when he wasn’t looking, or something. Surely. There was no way he was getting so worked up over a big, gross, churning ball of food, without some kind of outside influence, right?


Regardless, the check had come, and Yuki felt ready to cry as he read the total at the bottom of the foot-long scrap of paper. He almost wanted to show Elizabeth the bill and ask her to cough up the dough instead… But then he remembered what she’d told him when he asked about where all the change she’d poured into the fountains on their first outing had come from.

Hm? Oh, I have been saving up the money from your Compendium summons, of course. This seemed a pertinent enough use of such funds.

Seeing as how he’d end up paying for the food one way or another, Yuki just bit his tongue and reached for his wallet, hoping that Tartarus would have an unstable day soon enough…

After everything was paid for–and Yuki’s wallet felt significantly lighter, while his conscious felt much heavier–the two stood from their seats and prepared to leave. Surprisingly, Elizabeth hadn’t had much issue at all when it came to getting up on her own two feet. Considering how easily she’d moved around during their last eating-outing, it shouldn’t have been too much of a shock.

But, well… Yuki was pretty sure she’d eaten more on this trip than she had back then. Already. At the first restaurant. And regardless of if she had or not, she certainly hadn’t been anywhere near this big at any point during their last trip to Iwatodai’s various eating outlets…

“Hm? What seems to be the problem, Makoto-kun?” Elizabeth cocked her head as one hand gently gave her stomach a downward stroke. At the same time–almost following the same path that Elizabeth’s hand had–Yuki felt a shiver run down his spine.

“Don’t call me that.” He urged her, raising one hand as if to say “Stop.” “And… Well, it’s nothing, I guess.” He didn’t want to admit that he was feeling some certain sort of way about what was going on, even if it was in order to ask her to stop. Half of that was due to pride, and the other half was because he was pretty certain it wouldn’t do any good anyway. If anything, it might have just egged her on…

“If you insist.” She shrugged. Then burped. Again.

It was at that point that Yuki noticed Junpei once again, looking their way from his position behind the counter. It seemed he wasn’t even on waiter-duty; he’d just abandoned his station to go and bug Yuki for a moment. Afterwards, he’d gotten a stern talking-to from his boss, and had been prohibited from getting back on the floor for the rest of his shift, though Yuki couldn’t make out the exact specifics of their conversation.

Regardless of whatever had happened back there, Junpei still seemed like he had other, more important things on his mind than ramen. Such as… Where all the ramen he’d been cooking up for the past half-hour had gone.

He stared at Elizabeth–more specifically, Elizabeth’s belly–with a single eyebrow raised. Then he looked over to Yuki, and mouthed something he couldn’t quite make out. Yuki mouthed for him to come again, and Junpei simply rolled his eyes, pointed to Elizabeth, then to Yuki… And then made a rather improper gesture with his hands.

Yuki’s eyebrows immediately scrunched, and he began waving his hands and shaking his head, hoping the bobbing of his hair would distract from the redness coming to his cheeks. But rather than stick around and allow Junpei to have even more fun–and then promptly get himself fired–Yuki decided it was time to leave then and there.

Reversing what she’d done earlier, Yuki grabbed onto the hand that was settled at Elizabeth’s waist–his blush growing a little deeper for a second as his knuckles pressed into the soft flesh that sat underneath Elizabeth’s dress–and pulled her along, not stopping until the two of them had exited the restaurant entirely.

“Oh, aren’t we so mph~ forward…~” Elizabeth snickered. “I jest, I jest. I’m simply trying out a form of speech I’ve seldom made use of. Teasing, I do believe it was. I’ve heard that this manner of communication can lead to friendships growing even deeper than they’re usually capable of, and so I believe it would be advantageous for the purpose of furthering your Social Links if I were to be more forthcoming with this sort of correspondence.”

Yuki grit his teeth. It was frustrating to not even know if Elizabeth was being genuine with her attempts at seduction or not. Far more frustrating than when a girl like Yuko would tease him. With her, you could usually tell it was all in good fun, though every now and then she’d do something that left you thinking. With Elizabeth, however… It was much more of a puzzle. And Yuki didn’t know if he had the energy to try and put the pieces where they belonged; especially after something as embarrassing as Stupei’s dumb gesture.

Whatever. He just kept his grip tight on Elizabeth’s hand, ignoring the wandering eyes on the two of them–though he couldn’t blame them for staring, they must’ve been quite the sight–and trying his best not to think about how soft her skin felt against his own.

After a few feet, the two of them arrived at Wakatsu Restaurant. The seafood place seemed just as busy as ever from the outside, with plenty of students crowding the tables, looking to fill their brains with as many Omega-3s as they could before the next big test.

“Elizabeth, why don’t you head on in and find a table for the two of us? I need to make a quick call.” Yuki said, pulling his flip-phone from his pocket and flicking his wrist to open it, while his other hand remained in his pocket… Savoring the memory of Elizabeth’s softness…~

“As you wish.” Elizabeth said, bowing with a touch more difficulty than before, before heading inside.

Yuki waited for her to disappear out of sight, then slid the phone back into his pocket. Carefully, he moved over to the nearby wall–just next to the vending machine–and propped his back against it. He took a deep breath…

Then another.

Then another.

Then another.

She was getting to him. She was actually, legitimately getting to him. His heart was loud, and he felt hot. Something about the addition of her getting full because of him had flicked a switch somewhere. It wasn’t just the belly, or the burps, or the seductive looks, pats, and pets. It was that it was all happening because of him. One way or another.

Was that selfish? To get off on something just because it involves you? He didn’t know. Honestly, he didn’t really even care. He just… Wanted to know more. To see how far this went. Maybe it’d stop eventually, who knew.

And… Well… This would have to happen another time, but… He also sort of wanted to know if it was happening just because it was Elizabeth. He sort of doubted it, but he needed to test it out to make sure… And he knew just the person who could help him with that testing, whenever he needed it.

But for now… He calmed himself. Yuki took one last deep breath, and managed to steady his breathing. He then placed his hands back in his pockets, turned towards the door to the pretty-good seafood place, and made his way over to the table that Elizabeth had picked out for the two of them, hoping she hadn’t done anything to get them kicked out while he’d been preparing himself for whatever came next…

  • -

Yuki had decided to order himself something as well, seeing how exams were coming up, and he just generally enjoyed Wakatsu’s food anyway. The entire, small fish that came with his order was just as delightfully fishy as always, and the tempura shrimps on the side were nice and crispy. Juicy too.

As he could tell–despite not having touched his prawns yet–by the specks of juice littering the corners of Elizabeth’s lips after she bit down into her… Oh, twentieth shrimp? Somewhere around there. It was only her second meal, but with such big portions, Yuki didn’t understand how she was still eating with such energy.

Rather predictably, Elizabeth’s appetite hadn’t slowed a bit, despite the fact that she currently had multiple gallons of soup sloshing around in her gut at the moment, even before everything she had already eaten here. The only sounds that now came from the increasingly spherical organ were ones of vigorous digestion, the hungry growls having been drowned out long ago by the flood of food that had come down and crushed them. Her belly hadn’t grown much at all since Hagakure, but Yuki swore he could see its lower curvature just beginning to touch her thighs…

But again, despite the growls having turned to gurgles, and her visibly growing belly, Elizabeth had already started on her trout–just seconds after finishing off her last prawn. If she wasn’t hungry anymore, then apparently her stomach had forgotten to tell her brain…

“So this is what that dreaded ‘Fishy’ taste is like… It is not entirely unpleasant.” She added, after having already finished half of the fish. And an entire other one before it. “Truthfully, I find myself quite enjoying it. It’s oddly fatty, with a somewhat chemical taste, and mysteriously creamy at the same time… I believe I could get addicted to such a mesmerizingly pungent enigma of a flavor.~”

Elizabeth devoured what remained of the fish in no time flat, then shoveled down the accompanying bowl of rice and raw egg as if she were a championship eater going for the gold. Then she carefully replaced the bowl, pulled that handkerchief out from nowhere again, and dabbed at her lips with it, before letting out a tiny burp into it and blushing afterwards.

That was the burp that embarrassed her? Not one of the many larger ones she’d let loose before now, in full earshot of the general public, instead of just Yuki?

… Actually, maybe the fact that only he could hear it was exactly why it’d had that effect… Come to think of it, he’d never actually seen Elizabeth blush before either…

Before Yuki could think on that any longer–and before his own cheeks had a chance to follow Elizabeth’s lead–a waitress appeared at their tableside. And though the tray she carried was large enough to obstruct her face from view, Yuki was pretty certain he knew the voice that carried through it…

“M-My deepest apologies, but the waitress who was seeing to the two of you had to leave abruptly for a family emergency. I’ll be serving you from this point on, and my name is Fuuk- AH!

The short, blue-haired woman sat the tray down atop the table, and immediately recoiled at the sight of Yuki.

“Leader?! O-Oh, I’m sorry. I might’ve overreacted a bit.” She blushed, lacing her fingers and placing her hand at her lower belly. “I just… Didn’t expect to see you here, is all.” She gave a shy chuckle, and an attempt at a reassuring smile was made. “I uh… Well, I wanted to try and raise some money of my own, so that the burden of stocking up on items and equipment for our Tartarus runs wasn’t solely on you. So I… Got a job here… Even though the uniform is… Kinda ugly…”

Oh no. Fuuka was starting to ramble. She often did that when she was embarrassed, though Yuki was finding it pretty hard to understand why she’d gotten so flustered, just because he’d seen her at work. Or, was it because he’d seen her in her work uniform…? Either way, it was still odd.

“I think it suits you, personally. The brown compliments the iridescence of your eyes and hair in a very pleasing manner–not by distracting from them, but by making it so one would rather look at your face than your relatively drab attire.” Elizabeth said, sounding utterly confident in herself. Sometimes she did that–made sense. It kind of freaked Yuki out when she did, considering. But it was still nice to know that even Elizabeth was capable of being genuine and helpful at times. Well, times outside of the Velvet Room, at least.

Granted, the burp that followed her rousing pep talk sort of diminished the impact a little, but Yuki would take what he could get. Especially if what he could get was… A burp… Ugh, why…

“Oh. Um, I apologize, but I had almost forgotten you were there. I didn’t get to finish properly introducing myself, but I’m Fuuka Yamagishi. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Fuuka politely bowed after finishing, even giving a little curtsy with her uniform’s skirt in a mix of western and eastern etiquette–presumably thinking Elizabeth was a foreigner of some sort that Yuki was showing around. Not entirely incorrect, but not on the money either…

“Elizabeth, and the pleasure is mutual, I assure you.” Elizabeth returned the bow in the form of a nod–before it’d been because of the hunger from the pills, now it was due to the absurd lack of it pushing out her middle–and gave a comforting smile to Fuuka. “I’ve heard much of you as well. It seems you’re quite skilled when it comes to wayfinding, yes?”

Fuuka’s eyebrows curled, and she stood a little stiffer. Certainly, she was thinking that Yuki had let the details of Tartarus slip to this random woman, not knowing that she was one of the major reasons that their expeditions to the tower had been so successful in the first place. She turned to Yuki, incredulous look still on her face, and bent over to whisper in his ear, hands in a feminine fist at her chest.

“... Y-Yuki, what are you doing with a pregnant woman…?”

Yuki was glad he hadn’t taken a sip of his Cielo Mist, because if he had, he would’ve just showered Fuuka in it.

“N-No! It isn’t like that, for the love of-” He stopped, breathing and regaining his bearings. “No. She’s not pregnant.” He whispered, now that his heart didn’t feel ready to leap up his throat anymore.

“Oh. O-Oh. I apologize, it was rude of me to make such a comment about another woman’s weight. I hope you don’t think ill of me because of-”

“Not that either.” He cut her off, noticing Elizabeth lean to the side just outside of Fuuka’s curtain of light blue hair. She was trying to peek in and see what they were talking about… He hoped she couldn’t read lips, just like she “Didn’t know” sign language.

“What?” Fuuka asked, sounding uncharacteristically incredulous. “What, is she smuggling something, then? Leader, tell me you’re not getting up to anything criminal in order to afford our equipment… I-I'll take up a second job, if I have to!”

“Again, no. The only thing Elizabeth is smuggling… Is the entire menu of Hagakure. We came straight from there, despite the fact that she’s still working on digesting everything.” He paused. “And by ‘Everything,’ I mean ‘Everything.’”

“W-Wuh…” Fuuka gaped, an odd, intense blush coming to her cheeks. “H-How is she still eating then? Is she some kind of competitive eater from the States or something? I've never…” She trailed off.

Yuki simply shook his head, then nodded to Elizabeth to try and communicate to Fuuka that they were at risk of an intruder hearing their private conversation.

“Okay, okay. Just… Explain later, alright? Oh, I hope she isn’t taking advantage of you, Leader…” Fuka trailed off as she rose, still facing Yuki with a sort of worried look on her face. Then she took a deep breath and lowered her hands from her chest, resetting herself and donning her customer-friendly smile once more. “Well, ma’am, I’ll leave you to your… L-Lunch?”

“Oh? Is it time for that already? I was hoping to be on the way to that sandwich establishment before it came time for that…” Elizabeth raised a hand to cup her cheek, appearing deep in thought. “Oh well. It seems I’ll simply have to redouble my efforts.”

Elizabeth, presumably trying to make good on her word, plucked up the cooked fish by its tail, leaving the platter of sashimi she’d ordered with it to fend for itself. Yuki immediately recognized what she meant to do with that fish, and reached out to take Fuuka’s hand in an embarrassing gesture that left Fuuka turning his way with a gasp and a blush.

“Thank you, Fuuka, I really appreciate your service. But I think it’s best you get back to work before your boss gets upset.” Elizabeth raised the fish’s lips to her own, and Yuki was glad he’d gotten Fuuka’s attention just in time.

“Y-You’re right! E-Excuse me, I’ll just b-be on my way!” Her voice sounded light and airy as she shuffled away, though Yuki didn’t stop her to inform her that she’d left her notepad on the table. She could come back for it later, after Elizabeth’s show had lowered its curtains.

For now… It seemed the show was just getting good.

  • -

Things continued as Yuki had expected. More dishes came and vanished without a trace, and a few seconds after they did, a subtle, uneasy gurgling would fill the air. Bowls of miso soup, rice, and salad. Plates of sashimi, grilled eel, and tempura shrimp and vegetables. Even an entire roasted mackerel cut in two, which Yuki assumed was doing a good job of keeping its salmon friend comfy down there in its ever-shifting temporary new home.

But no matter how many plates came, Elizabeth never seemed to slow down even the slightest bit. She still ate with the same vigor she had back at Hagakure, when she’d devoured the bowl of edamame–hull and all.

That wasn’t to say that nothing at all had changed, of course. Yuki couldn’t quite make out its new, fuller shape, but Elizabeth’s stomach had no doubt expanded. Her position at the table–with her breasts nearly resting on the tabletop–concealed the growling object from view, but seeing the length that Elizabeth had to extend her arm out to whenever she’d reach down to soothe her protesting insides… Well, it was obvious that things had changed a bit.

And yet, they weren’t done yet. Yuki must’ve misremembered, because the menu at Wakatsu was much longer than he recalled. Either that, or he only remembered the… Well, only two or three things he ever ordered every time he’d visited the seafood place. Whatever the case, Elizabeth was only about halfway through. And yet, with two entire, good sized fish swimming inside the gallons of soup within her gut… Not to mention all the sides and other, smaller dishes…

Yuki really did not understand this woman’s anatomy. He’d seen some rather obscene displays of gluttony in his time, but certainly any human’s stomach would’ve burst right open long before they even attempted to chug down their fifth bowl of miso soup. After, like, ten larger bowls of ramen.

“I do believe…” Elizabeth paused to let a little burp out into the back of her hand. “Pardon. I do believe I’m feeling it now.”

“Hm?” Yuki perked up at hearing Elizabeth speak for the first time in a while. “Feeling what?”

“Why- BwHoUrp!~ -w-what else? Satisfaction.” Elizabeth dropped her chopsticks–laying them in their holder like a proper lady should–and lowered her hands underneath the table to give her stomach a few quick pats. “This experiment has been a rousing success. The euphoria I am experiencing… It truly is like little else I’ve ever felt.~” As if to agree, her belly let out a content little Brrroughn.~ “Though, I do feel a little odd…”

Yuki’s eyebrow raised, and he sat back in his seat. Could it be that all of that was finally catching up to her? Was all that food about to take a one-way trip to the restroom? At this point, could she even stand to bring it there? Or… Had his worst fears come to life? Should he reach for an umbrella…?


“Oh my, how interesting… It seems my hypothesis was a bit flawed. Just merely being sated–satisfied… It does not mean that one is full. Nor that one can eat no more.~” Elizabeth smirked, rubbing wide circles into her belly beneath the table.

Yuki felt a chill run up his spine, and clenched his teeth to keep from succumbing to the shiver that followed. This was a bit much. All of it was. The way she ate–how she just shoveled some things down, and took her time meticulously picking others apart–how she kept touching her belly, even if Yuki couldn’t see it, and the… Oddly, the burps. Even those were managing to tickle some odd fancy that Yuki didn’t even know he had. Not to mention all the teasing…

At this point, that had to have been what this was. Just one, big, long, odd tease. Elizabeth had huge gaps in her knowledge of human ways, but even accounting for that, Yuki had no clue how she’d learned that this was what flirting was. Or why she’d try and flirt with him anyways.

… Unless…

“Ooh!” Elizabeth suddenly started, her head whipping to look off to the side. Yuki followed her gaze, and his heart nearly stopped in fear of what was about to happen to his poor wallet.

A sushi conveyor belt. Somehow, Yuki had never noticed the thing, in all of his visits to Wakatsu over the months. Granted, he did tend to slink off into corner seats and avoid all human contact when eating alone at a restaurant… But regardless, if Elizabeth’s escalator-related mishaps were anything to go by, then nothing good could come out of mixing the Velvet Attendant with a belt-operated piece of machinery.

Though, before he could say a word to stop her, Elizabeth pushed herself away from the table and stood without any issue.

Despite the huge gut that hung from her frame.

The round, golden-brass buttons around her middle were clearly straining, doing their best to hold back the absolute tsunami of tummy that poorly hid behind the blue velvet of her dress. Patches of bloated flesh could be seen peeking through the gaps in the buttons–some diamonds of pale-pink skin even bulging outwards through the gaps by a centimeter or two. Somehow, Elizabeth had gone from looking like she was in the last stages of the second trimester, to looking ready to pop with twins or more over the course of around thirty minutes or so.

Yuki was left stunned. He knew Elizabeth’s belly must’ve been growing down there, but he never imagined this! She’d eaten enough to fill up a few families by now, sure, but… J-Just seeing this absurd, groaning, bloated, absolutely stuffed mountain of gluttony rise before his very eyes…

Suddenly, he got it. The kink, that was. He fully understood it, as soon as that yawning void of a belly button peeked out through a gap at him… He understood completely. The absurdity of it all had somehow managed to flick a switch in his brain. One that, perhaps, had always been there, if his sister was anything to go by. There was just something beautiful about this. About a gorgeously glutted gut…~

Yuki was suddenly pulled out of his spiraling, kinky thoughts, as Elizabeth took a step towards the conveyor. Somehow, despite the size of her massive belly, Elizabeth made no obvious signs of slowing at all. She still walked with the same, overconfident stride as always, her arms proudly and properly waving in time with each step she took. It was like her body was made to carry such huge loads, like the one she now held within her overblown stomach. Either that, or the rules of physics just didn’t apply to her…

Yuki stumbled to catch up with her, leaving their empty dishes behind on the table they’d been sitting at, as a confused waitress picked up the dish she’d just brought to it, and regarded Elizabeth with a cocked brow and a slight gasp. She wasn’t the only pair of eyes on them either.

Ugh… Yuki was glad that Fuuka had clocked out and gone back to the dorm a bit ago. The way Elizabeth’s middle was looking right now–and the slight arch to her back, the only piece of slim evidence that any part of being so huge was impacting Elizabeth–gave so much more credence to Fuuka and Junpei’s shared misconception… Though, if they went to touch Elizabeth’s overdue looking sphere, the only “Kicks” they’d feel would come from her overworked stomach trying to reorganize everything inside.

Yuki and Elizabeth settled into their seats at the conveyor at the same time, but before Yuki could open his mouth to explain that this would undoubtedly be an extra charge on the already extra-long bill headed their way, Elizabeth had already plucked up a plate of salmon roe sushi and plopped the entire thing onto her tongue.

“Ooh, how salty!” She said, before pushing the other piece through her lips and swallowing. “I feel this will be an adequate test. Sampling the taste of all of the artworks that are ferried our way, then gulping the next in a single bite… It seems a surefire way to experience the abundant world of human flavors, while also putting my capacity on trial.” Elizabeth sat her first saucer on the as-of-now empty table, then immediately went for another, which held two pieces of tamagoyaki sushi. “Though, I am starting to suspect that the latter may be a fool’s errand. Despite the amount I’ve eaten so far–which I believe to be well beyond normal human capability–I am still lacking that ‘Filled’ feeling I have heard so much about… Still, for both our sakes, I feel I must push onwards… And… Outwards…?~”

Elizabeth arched her back a small bit further as she finished speaking, making her already massive middle seem just a bit larger as she pushed both tamagoyaki into her mouth at once.

That… Might’ve been the first intentional joke that Yuki had ever heard Elizabeth make. At the very least, the first that she both understood was a joke, and had crafted on her own understanding of humor. It was almost heartwarming to see her comprehension positively evolve, for once.

… He just wished it wasn’t also so damn hot as well. To weaponize the understanding that he had helped her in gaining… It would’ve felt like a betrayal if–again–it wasn’t so annoyingly hot!

Speaking of hot, the next plate of sushi Elizabeth plucked was a cooked type–that being grilled eel. It was one of Yuki’s personal favorites, actually, and judging by the look on Elizabeth’s surprised face as she chewed through the first piece, it seemed the two of them had a common opinion there. So deeply savory, but in an undeniably meaty, salty way, and with a wonderful chew that you wouldn’t really expect from something that had come out of the water… Darn, now Yuki kinda wanted some.

“Oh… I simply can’t believe how good that was!” Elizabeth said, before swiftly sending the other piece through her lips. Counter to her plan, however, she didn’t simply chug this one down. Instead, she really took her time with it. She closed her eyes, leaned back in the booth, and let the flavors mingle all across her virgin tongue.

From this pose, the overall size of Elizabeth’s middle was easier to make out. It was genuinely possible that Yuki had never seen a stomach larger than this one. Well, maybe that woman who had eight kids at once who was all over the TV a few years ago was bigger. But still, this belly… It didn’t quite reach the table’s edge as Elizabeth sat back in her seat, but that was certainly not for a lack of trying.

The whines, gurgles, rumbles, and–shockingly–hungry growls coming from the well-fed ball of food seemed kind of contradictory. On one hand, it sounded sort of like a fish tank or boiling pot–so loud and vigorous with its noisy digestion that it was easy to tell just how hard it was working on breaking down all the sludge she’d filled it with. On the other, those airy growls… They made it seem like Elizabeth hadn’t eaten a bite yet, despite her straining buttons being pushed just a centimeter further apart as she finally swallowed the next bite.

“Minor change of plans. I will no longer be swallowing anything in a single bite. If I were to miss out on another scrumptious flavor due to that… Well, I don’t know if I’d ever find the will to forgive myself for such a grievous error.” Elizabeth sealed her updated gameplan with a breathy belch, then reached for another plate. Seared tuna. Not one of Yuki’s favorites, but eh. He was concerned with other things than sushi at the moment, to be honest. “At the very least, I believe I can say that the first mission of this outing has already proven to be a success. I have already experienced an absolute array of mortal delights… And there are still so many more to come.~” Elizabeth’s belly growled quite loudly after that.

But, come they did. Even as she was still chewing away at a piece of rubbery squid sushi, the waitress from before found her way over to the booth and placed down a new, entire meal. Yuki had almost forgotten about the menu, and how it still held so much more. Just watching Elizabeth chew through piece after piece of sushi–always a new type, never going for seconds, no matter how many times the eel sushi passed them by–then swallow, and seeing her stomach push outwards, rounder, centimeter by centimeter, inch by inch, as roll after roll, nigiri after nigiri, sashimi after sashimi was forced to coexist with so much more that was already filling Elizabeth’s middle until her dress looked ready to snap right off of her…

Oh. Oh, shit, Yuki had a nosebleed.

He dove for a napkin, and quickly put it to his nose, coughing to cover up the obvious show of arousal. He thought that only happened in cartoons! Good lord, how embarrassing… But at least Elizabeth seemed too preoccupied with her gorging and engorging to have noticed-

“Like what you see?~” Elizabeth said after the waitress took up the empty plates and struggled to walk away without tipping them over. Her hands were settled just underneath her breasts, pushing them upwards, and allowing the full curve of Elizabeth’s gut to be seen. And… W-What a curve it was… Like a giant, third boob. A giant, solid, full, gurgling boob…

Yuki felt lightheaded, but Elizabeth began to laugh.

“I jest. I believe that was another ‘Tease,’ yes? Just a bit of harmless fun, much like the rest of this outing…”

Yuki would’ve had a hard time accepting that, even without the redness that came to Elizabeth’s cheeks, giving her smirk an even more devilishly alluring tint… Yuki had a feeling he knew who had taught Elizabeth all about this sort of belly-styled sexuality and teasing, and Yuki had a feeling that he was gonna need to give that certain someone a stern talking to after this. Why did she even…? Yuki wasn’t even into bellies before this… Or, at least, he didn’t think he was…

Ugh, it was all so confusing! Why was Elizabeth acting like this in the first place? She had made some slightly seductive or teasing remarks in the past, but Yuki had always played those off as poor jokes, or Elizabeth not truly understanding what she was talking about. This was different. She was weaponizing it–using her gut to try and crack into Yuki’s sexuality and… Seduce him? Or not? Was she seriously joking, and being genuine in her supposed goals, but getting aroused on her own because she was into it? Yuki swore, if that redhead’s tum-based romps had expanded even to the Velvet Room


Yuki inhaled sharply, sitting up straight and feeling his heart thump in his chest in the aftermath of what had to be one of the largest belches he’d ever heard. Elizabeth sat with her eyes squinted, her gloved hand placed sideways at her mouth, her blush having deepened.

“Pardon me.~” She mumbled in a chipper tone, eyes staring into Yuki’s all the while.

Yuki felt his head hit the table.

  • -

The next thing Yuki knew, he was surrounded by darkness, with an odd, hostile-sounding noise blaring all around him. Almost as if it were coming from some beast, growling right in his ear…

His eyes fluttered open, and a wave of realization crashed into him. He was still at Wakatsu… Though, he was now on the other side of the table.

“Guten morgen.” Elizabeth spoke, barely audible over the sounds of the ever-growing, ever-growling pillow that Yuki’s head had been placed upon. She stared down at him, looking every bit as tricksy as usual.

Suddenly, Yuki sprang upwards, a hand going to his head as a jolt of pain rushed to it. Had that actually just happened? Had Yuki… Had he gotten so flustered that he actually passed out? And why had Elizabeth’s belly… Been so soft…? Not like a pad of fat, more like a comforting, yet rubbery pillow… Not hard or taut at all, unlike how it had seemed before…

That was… Hot. Concerningly hot. So much food, and she still wasn’t taut?

Yuki’s position wasn’t the only thing that had changed, however. As he stood and turned to face Elizabeth, he got a good eyeful of the other, most obvious change that occurred as he had been conked out.

Elizabeth was now massive. Bigger than that octomom on the TV, for sure. Her belly now reached the table, even pressing into it a bit at its very apex, causing a division between her upper and lower stomach. The table was a wasteland of discarded plates and bowls–more than enough to have cleared the menu, and to have tried every piece of sushi on the conveyor once or twice.

“I do hope you don’t mind, but- HuUuHHhrrROUuRrP!~ -I decided to have a second opinion on some of the dishes as you slept. Oh, and don’t concern yourself with your minor head injury. I was sure to cast Diarahan as you slept beneath my bosom.” Ok, did she have to say it that way? “And I made sure to keep you close, so that I could pay good attention to your condition as well. Though, I did notice a sizable amount of blood rushing-”

“A-Are you finished?” Yuki didn’t let her complete that sentence. One way or another, it was going to be bad for him if she did.

“Of course. I only continued to sample after your unfortunate accident as a way to pass the time. We can take our leave immediately.”

Elizabeth said that, but… When she attempted to shuffle her way out of her self-imposed enclosure, things were a bit more difficult than expected. She was able to move sideways, inch by inch, but it seemed rather ineffective all things considered. Her belly was just being pressed against the table far too much for its own liking.

… Speaking of her belly, the buttons on her dress still hadn’t burst, somehow. Though, Yuki wasn’t complaining about that… Just meant he got to enjoy how her gut spilled through the gaps even longer, and in a more dramatic way now that it had been filled beyond belief.~

A-Ahem, anyways. Elizabeth leveled a hand with the table’s edge, then waited for a moment. After that moment had passed, a glowing, ethereal blue orb of energy appeared in her hand.

“No, Elizabeth, no.” Yuki scolded her like some kind of child–despite the fact that she looked to be carrying around ten in her gut at the moment–and rushed to lock his arm with hers. “No need for that. I’ll just help you out.”

“Why, aren’t we a gentleman.~” Elizabeth giggled, but allowed the un-unleashed Megidolaon to dissipate into nothingness. “Heave away.”

And so Yuki did. Digging his soles into the tile below, and locking his other arm in with the first, Yuki grit his teeth and began to pull with every last bit of his might. It was a struggle–honestly, probably one of the most physically demanding things he’d ever done in his life, even counting all of the Full Moon Operations and Tartarus runs–but he could feel progress being made. Bit by bit, inch by inch, grunt by groan, Elizabeth was being freed from the prison of her middle’s creation.

Finally, after one last burst of effort, Elizabeth was free. She stood with one hand on the table, though she didn’t seem to be having much of an issue at all when it came to keeping her balance, despite the now-massive size of her stomach, and all of the weight inside it that Yuki had become very well aware of as he’d struggled to pull her free.

For Yuki’s part… Well, he wasn’t fairing quite as well as Elizabeth, that was for sure. The lightheaded feeling had returned–half due to the effort, half because his forearm had brushed against Elizabeth’s breast, and his hand her belly, as he’d been tugging–and so Yuki was currently bent over with his hands on his knees, panting.

“Oof. I fear I’m starting to get a bit… Heavy.” Elizabeth stated the obvious, though she didn’t alter her stance at all, save for arching her back just the tiniest bit more. She then laced her fingers and placed them just below the “Bosom” that had been pressing against Yuki’s cheek as he slept.

“I must admit, I’m quite curious as to what all of the food will do to my figure…” Elizabeth said, rapping her fingers against the top of her tum. “Although, in truth, I’m unaware if we Attendants are even fully capable of digestion in the first place. I’ve simply been feeling the calories convert to magic as soon as my digestive system has finished processing them. It’s entirely possible that I’ll walk away from this without a mark left anywhere on my body. Though… I would by lying if I said that I wasn’t interested in seeing if I could put my dear elder sister’s bust to shame.~”

Elizabeth smirked at that, and moved her hands just a bit further up, pressing them into the underside of her chest.

“Elizabeth, need I remind you that we are in public?” Yuki whispered, feeling his temper beginning to rise in response to his companion’s ignorance. Correcting and consoling Elizabeth hardly ever did any good, but this was just a bit much. “It’s odd enough that your stomach has grown so much since we first walked in. Please, please don’t draw any more unneeded attention. Please?” He pleaded, feeling his shoulders slump.

“Oh. O-Oh, of course.” Was he really hearing this? Elizabeth was actually listening? “My dearest apologies. I just- Oh!”

POP!~ Plink!~

“... Oh.”

The button just below Elizabeth’s navel decided that it had suffered enough, and could take no more. It loudly ejected itself and arced through the air, touching down on the table that Yuki and Elizabeth had been sitting at prior to her discovery of the sushi escalator.

The event finally caused Elizabeth to look down–something she’d been neglecting to do, for some odd reason, ever since she stood. What she saw was enough to make her eyes go wide, a hand rushing to her mouth as it dropped open and a blush hurried onto her cheeks.

“O-Oh my. I really have… I really have overdone it, hm?” She asked, but didn’t break eye contact with her belly even for a second–as if she were afraid it’d run away like a rare Shadow as soon as she took her eyes off it. “I… I really did not think I was this large. It does not feel like I am… Er, I suppose it does… I do feel rather bloated. But… I-I am not full… S-So… Mph… It sort of resembles a Legion, doesn’t it? Though… It doesn’t squirm quite as much as they do…~” She trailed off, biting onto the side-edge of her glove as a rather loud gurgle passed through her middle.


“... Hoh.~ Excuse me…~” Her eyelids fluttered, and she began to stumble for a moment, before righting herself by using the table to keep steady. Clearing her throat, she spoke again. “I am not full. Either this means that I–and thus my sister–cannot be full–that our capacities are truly boundless… Or that a wall does exist, but I simply… Haven't met it yet.” Another gurgle, and another, smaller burp, into the back of her hand. “Both seem equally plausible… But I do believe more testing is required.” A glare came to her eyes, and her smirk pulled tighter. “Hmhm, I feel like a scientist.~ How thrilling.~”

Elizabeth took a step forward, both hands laced atop her belly once again–seemingly not caring about the fact that a good portion of her lower stomach was now entirely bare. There was no waddle, no stumble in her step. If anything, she may have been walking with more confidence now than ever before. Just another aspect of how contradictory every last thing was, regarding Elizabeth.

Yuki watched her go, paying good attention to how her belly was easy to see even from behind. That was… A rush to see.~ He wandered over to the table they had been sitting at before as he watched her–seeing how she let out a smaller burp and rubbed at her tummy as she passed a table with more of that eel sushi, and her belly let out a little hungry growl at the sight of it–and plucked up the button that had fired from Elizabeth’s belly. He slid it into his pocket, deciding to keep it as a keepsake of a sort. A souvenir of this event. And something he could use to show that ginger that she’d finally won…

“Yuki-kun, are you coming? I don’t intend to rush you, but I am still quite hungry, and we have three restaurants yet to go.” Elizabeth called to him from the entrance, drawing more looks and whispers their way. The fact that her belly rumbled, then expelled some more gas through her lips right after, didn’t help either…

Yuki just sighed–again–and dug in his pocket, trying to find his wallet. He’d never been huge on Mr. Edogawa’s occult lessons, but he was glad that he’d decided to listen to his rambling about the laws of alchemy.

As his wallet grew lighter, Elizabeth’s gut grew heavier… Had a truer example of equivalent exchange ever been made?

  • -

Umeushi. How in the world had Yuki forgotten about Umeushi?

Hagakure and Wakatsu had both been on the second floor of the Iwatodai strip mall. Umeushi Beef Bowls–the world renowned, members-only beef bowl shop–was on the third. Naturally–given that Elizabeth’s gut was nearly wide enough to get stuck in the railings of the spiral staircase they’d taken to get to the second floor–this presented a major problem. There was very little chance that Elizabeth would make it up the stairs without tipping over, and no chance that she’d make it back down after clearing out their menu without getting stuck, or bouncing all the way back down on her obscenely bloated gut.

Yuki tried to compromise, seeing this. He tried to just go up, put in the order for everything they had, then ferry it all back down to Elizabeth. He tried.

Only to be told that his Umeushi membership had expired.

So… Yeah. Umeushi was a lost cause. It was probably for the best, honestly. But still… There was an annoyingly vocal part of Yuki, deep down, that had been hoping that Elizabeth truly would’ve been able to eat every last meal the strip mall had to offer.

Man. His brain really was rotting in real time.

But, instead, there they were. Sitting in Azuki Arai, awaiting the first of their novel-length order. Azuki’s menu wasn’t quite as large as Hagakure and Wakatsu’s, thankfully. But that didn’t mean it was tiny either, nor that Yuki’s bank account was free to come off life support…

Not long after the two of them had settled in–with Yuki still trying his best to shake off the chill from having so many people looking and whispering their way–the first dessert arrived. A taiyaki–a Japanese classic. This was the type that was filled with both red bean and custard–the kind that was roughly as big as both of his hands put together. Both in length, and in thickness. Not counting the filling.

Surprisingly, Elizabeth didn’t immediately pluck the fish-shaped pastry up and begin gnawing at it like some kind of deranged squirrel. Instead, she flicked at it with her index finger, her eyes trying to meet Yuki’s, but shying away every time they succeeded. Finally, with a deep breath, she just gave in and stared straight at him.

His… Chest, that was. As she was in some kind of half-bow–the best her belly would allow.

“I deeply apologize for the way I- Bwourph…~ -t-the way I carried myself as we exited the prior establishment.” She seemed genuinely remorseful. Yuki didn’t really know what to say. Luckily, she continued, so he didn’t have to know either. “It was… Deeply unprofessional of me. My master would be dearly disappointed in me. I fear I simply let my emotions get the better of me, that’s all. If you can find it within your heart to forgive me, I swear to you that nothing of that sort will ever occur again.”

“Elizabeth… It’s alright.” Yuki whispered, leaning over the table. She had smartly decided to sit with her side facing him, so that her belly wouldn’t risk getting stuck again, or possibly even breaking the table. “I’ve already discerned that something is going on here. There’s no need to keep playing coy, or apologize for doing what you intended to do all along.”

Elizabeth froze. Yuki had never seen her like this, and honestly, it was kind of spooky. She didn’t just go rigid like a normal person would, all stunned and stuff, but still looking around, maybe gasping or something. No, she literally just locked up like a robot who’d been dashed with water.

“You… You have?” Her lips barely moved as she spoke. “You’ve… Figured it out?” Her eyes finally met his, and stayed there.

“To some degree. I don’t know exactly what you’re doing, and I definitely don’t understand why. But there’s obviously something fishy going on.”

Elizabeth gasped, a hand going to her mouth as a small burp was sent up her throat. Then she decided to… Smell the part of her glove that she’d just burped on.

“What? N-No, not… Not that kind of fishy. Anyway…” Yuki sighed, settling back into his seat and rubbing the back of his head. “I just mean… There’s obviously some kind of reason why you’re doing this–and it isn’t just because you’re curious about food. You’re trying to… To use your… You know, to get to me. I don’t know why you think that would work, but I have a good feeling I know who told you to do that.” He paused, searching in Elizabeth’s eyes for a moment.

“It was the only other person who can access the Velvet Room. Right?”

Elizabeth inhaled sharply. Then… She nodded.

“Knew it. God, I swear I’m gonna strangle that girl…”

“No, no. Please, don’t be upset with her. I simply… Well, I enlisted her assistance for a very simple task, yet one that is somewhat beyond me. She suggested that this would be the best method to accomplish the goal I had in mind, and… After she provided a rather convincing example via demonstrating herself, I decided to go along with it… A-After a bit of a trial run with her…”

Yuki scoffed, then shook his head. Of course she had. He should’ve never doubted that his sister’s lust for women’s tums wouldn’t have expanded to an extradimensional plane of existence, and to a being that was only tangentially human.

“Okay. Okay. I won’t ask any further, don’t need to know. Think I have a pretty good idea of what went down there, from all of the things I’ve seen over the years.” He adjusted himself in his seat as the memory of the bike pump incident came creeping back into his mind. “I won’t ask what your goal is either. You seem pretty flustered about it, and–though I probably act like it sometimes–I’m not a total jerk.”

Elizabeth didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she just fingered the edge of her taiyaki, her eyebrows curled downwards and her belly gently growling, wishing that the pastry would just jump up and crawl down inside it already.

“That is acceptable. So… Would you like to call this outing short, then? It seems I have made things a bit awkward between the two of us.”

“... I never said that.” Yuki mumbled, looking away.

“Excuse me?”

“I-I said, I never said that you made it awkward. Just that there was something else going on here.” He blushed, thinking of what he believed was really going on. Yuko flirted occasionally, and Chihiro was pretty obviously into him to some degree… But Elizabeth actually seemed to be making a move. He didn’t really know how to respond to that… But at the same time, he wasn’t entirely disinterested.

“Ah… I see. So, then…?” Elizabeth flicked her taiyaki once more, as if asking him for permission.

“Good grief. Whatever my sister did, she certainly infected you with her bug. And… I can’t say I’ve come away from this entirely unscathed either. Yeah, go ahead.” Yuki said with a sigh, though a smirk followed right behind it.

Elizabeth waited just a moment more, before her own smirk slowly began to return. Then, she picked up the taiyaki with both hands, and bit into it as if it were a burger, softly moaning in delight as a speck of custard was left behind on her cheek.

Now that the elephant in the room had been addressed, Yuki felt a little more comfortable watching Elizabeth do her thing. He still wouldn’t be entirely comfortable with–say–rubbing her belly or anything.

But as he sat across from her, watching the hefty bulge of food pass down her throat as the last of the taiyaki slid into the rumbling wasteland that lied beyond her waistband… He leaned in, and received two things in return. The first, another button, which fired itself free from Elizabeth’s dress in a dramatic manner that left her belly bobbing through the extra gap that had now opened up for it. The second… Was a whiff of the wonderful aroma of the dango that had just arrived.

And, well, if he was entirely honest with himself… He was feeling a different kind of hunger begin to well up between the two of them as well. He’d never do anything with Elizabeth, of course. But that didn’t stop the feelings from pouring in, and the blood from pumping…

Oof. His sister must’ve taught Elizabeth Marin Karin along with this weirdo seduction technique, because right now Yuki was feeling quite charmed.~

  • -

Arai’s menu might not’ve been small, but the portion sizes sure were.

The two of them hadn’t been there for an entire half-hour yet, and Elizabeth was already working on the last of her sweet feast. Predictably, Elizabeth had scarfed each and every item down like it was nothing at all; and while that was definitely out of the norm for a place like Wakatsu, Azuki Arai’s portions were itty bitty enough that if someone were to walk by without looking down, they could reasonably assume that Elizabeth was just a foreign woman with a suitably large sweettooth, finally having her cheat day after a long spree of working out.

Instead of, you know. An all-consuming eldritch food black hole in the shape of an–admittedly–pretty cute girl.

The last dish wasn’t as reasonably portioned as the others had been, however. The entire final section of the menu hadn’t been, actually. Though, Yuki supposed that did make sense; you wouldn’t really expect an entire cake to be all that small. Unless you meant a cupcake, of course, but Elizabeth already had over a baker’s dozen of those melting away into bubbling sludge in her gut.

Mmh… It was really getting to him now. He couldn’t keep his mind from wandering, nor his eyes. It flooded him with guilt each time, but Yuki just couldn’t keep his eyes from darting down to Elizabeth’s belly… O-Or a bit higher. But why should he be ashamed in the first place? It was just a stomach, not some inherently lewd bodypart or anything. And besides, it wasn’t like everyone else within a five kilometer radius wasn’t also staring a hole into Elizabeth’s bloated dome anyway.

The dome… The round, gurgling dome, which had a light sheen, thanks to the thin layer of sweat that had risen up in an attempt to cool the roaring, bubbling, boiling digestion that was coming from inside… Also had a hole at the center of it–which had grown increasingly shallow over the course of the day–with which to stare back at anyone who dared cast a judging glare at its immaculate form…

… Yuki might’ve been in love.

Not with Elizabeth, necessarily. Though, that wasn’t out of the picture either–especially since she was obviously doing all of this for him as well. No, Yuki had more so fallen in love with the giant foodbaby that now took up the woman’s entire lap. No more resting on her thighs, it now spilled over them. Absurd. And yet… So, so hot.~

Yuki just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every dripping droplet of sweat that got caught in her navel, pooling up in there until another came and caused the last to spill out and trail downwards like a moist linea nigra of a mother who should’ve been induced months ago… Imagining what was going on inside there, as all of that chewed food broke down even further, turning into a thick, heavy sludge, which sloshed, gurgled, and bubbled up inside, before pumping down into her guts and fully rounding out her absurd tribute to gluttony…


Even those. Even the burps. God, how they sent a tingle up his spine like nothing ever had. It was like he was being born again. Like times were, back before his parents had died.

… Ok, maybe not that good. Maybe that was a little dramatic.

But even still, the way he could hear the growling expulsions of gas ringing in his ears afterwards, how he could trace and identify every last syllable of each belch… Hell, even the fact that Elizabeth had stopped excusing herself after the elephant in the room had been addressed was getting to him.


And then there were those. The little jolts that sent her stomach sloshing, her breasts gently bouncing, and her hat sliding around.

“Oof… It didn’t occur to me that hiccups would feel… Rather unpleasant, after indulging in such a great quantity of food.” Elizabeth spoke with her fingertips to her mouth, prepared to catch whatever came up next. Be it a belch, hiccup, or something else entirely. She still showed no sign of nausea–or even fullness–but with how huge she was, and how much she’d eaten… Yuki was sure that one of two possibilities was soon to occur. Either the hypothesis that Elizabeth had no limit would be proven correct, or… She’d soon ram into it, belly first. “Yet, I suppose it isn’t too bad. Simply a bit of- Hic! -r-rocking the boat, as they say. Though, I don’t think the originators of that saying intended for the ocean to be inside the boat…~”



Elizabeth found her coy smirk suddenly broken by an unexpected hic-urp, and Yuki smiled in the aftershocks of the loud expulsion.

“You know, those are getting loud enough that I’m beginning to worry one of these places will kick us out for disturbing the other diners.” Yuki said, intentionally ignoring the fact that they’d been providing a free show for the other eaters all along this kinky journey. Like some kind of traveling circus, except the clown car gurgled instead of honking.

“Oh, well that would be no issue. We would simply shift from eating inside the restaurant, to ordering everything on the go.” Elizabeth said, taking a bite out of the rich, dense-looking slice of cake sitting in her hand.

“You mean ‘To go?’”

“You would be the one to order, of course.” She slipped briskly on past his inquiry. “I doubt that the proprietors of these stores–should they decide my form has become unfitting of their establishment–would approve of me being the one to place the order, even if we would not sit and eat in their dining room.”

Yuki just nodded in agreement, though it was becoming something of a worry to him. And besides the anxiety of getting kicked out… Even if the two of them did get to complete their button-popping tour of food, just how in the world was Yuki supposed to get Elizabeth back into the Velvet room? Her stomach was nearly as wide as the magical entrance’s door frame was! He just hoped that she wouldn’t have to crash in the dorms until her belly went down enough for her to fit through a door again… He really didn’t want to have to explain all of that, nor try and swat his sister away from the absurdly engorged attendant like some sort of moth attacking a lightbulb.

A worry for later. For now… Elizabeth had a cake to finish.~

Much like the others she’d devoured so far, Elizabeth had taken to eating this one slice by slice. It was good luck that it had been divided up before being presented to her, as otherwise she would’ve likely just started digging in with her fork; or worse, just grabbing up entire hunks of cake and shoving them into her face. No amount of almighty power could stand in for a lifetime of missing table etiquette, it seemed.

After she finished the slice in her hand, she licked the crumbs and streaks of icing from her long, blue glove. Her tongue traced every bit of the spilled and spattered food that lined her hand warmers, leaving them shining like new once she was finished. Once she was done with that–and not even bothering to reach for a napkin beforehand–Elizabeth simply slid her fingertips underneath the next slice and hefted it up, ready to chomp it down like anything else that dared to wander too close to her garbage compactor of a mouth.

… Was that mean? That comparison felt a little mean to Yuki, no matter how true it was. And no matter how steamy it made him to imagine all of the gunk brewing away in her giant landfill of a tummy.~

As for what kind of cake it was, Yuki wasn’t quite certain. It had a semi-hardened, glistening shell of deep black chocolate on the outside, while the inside was fluffy and brown, but looked quite dense at the same time. The amount of time Elizabeth spent chewing the cake certainly added credence to that assessment. It also had quite a distinct aroma. Deep and rich, sort of like coffee, but also sweet and a bit… Nutty? What an odd cake… It seemed fitting that Elizabeth would enjoy such a dessert as much as she was. She was quite the odd little cake herself.

Bit by bit, bite by bite, slice by slice, the cake disappeared down Elizabeth’s throat. By the time she was down to the last slice, the final button keeping Elizabeth’s gut from being fully free looked to be straining quite a bit. Elizabeth felt around her belly, her fingertips just barely managing to meet at the front of the rotund sphere, which now nearly reached her knees. She felt for the button, seemingly trying to undo it, though her face bore no sign of uncomfortableness. If anything, that same slight grin that she wore seemed to be saying the exact opposite.

“Hm… It seems I cannot quite manage to undo this particular clasp.” Elizabeth said, settling back into her seat–though not far enough that the cake would be out of reach. “I had hoped to rescue this one last brave soldier, and save my Master the trouble of retailoring my outfit even further. But oh well. ‘Que sera sera.’” The edges of Elizabeth’s lips turned upwards just a tiny bit more after she finished, and she reached for the final bit of cake as Yuki was still trying to figure out what that meant. Both the foreign saying she’d just uttered, and the expression that followed. Even after deducing the seductive nature of this date, Yuki still couldn’t manage to figure out something as simple as a smirk… What a mysterious girl…

Still, regardless of her intent, the end result was the same.




“Oh, that one seems a bit stuck underneath everything else inside…” For the first time Yuki could remember, Elizabeth’s face took on a slight uncomfortable expression. Her eyebrows curled a bit, and her lips pursed as she ran her hands all over her belly–not even noticing that she hadn’t managed to clean her gloves beforehand, and was thus smearing cake remnants across the porcelain white of her glutted skin–then began poking it, patting it… “... Nothing. It seems I’ve managed to ensnare quite the large pocket of gas… W-Which is now swirling up, making its presence-”


“-Q-Quite known.” Elizabeth clutched her belly after the loud, groaning whine that echoed out from inside it, biting the corner of her bottom lip and allowing her eyes to go half-lidded. “Goodness, if that doesn’t feel… Wonderfully odd.~ Feeling all of the delicacies churning up inside of me, the entrapped gas pushing through the chime, brewing up a storm of a magnitude as-of-yet unrecognized… Just waiting for a break somewhere, so it may all push free at once…~” Elizabeth put one hand to her lips, the sides of her fingers obscuring her mouth from view as she gave her tummy a few.



Yuki cleared his throat, then stood. He looked away, out the window. Anywhere but at her, for just a second. He had to. It was like she was reading his thoughts, using them to target his exact weak points. She might’ve been powerful beyond his understanding, but she couldn’t do that, right? Right?

“Ready to go?” He asked, using every last bit of his willpower to keep his voice from cracking.

“Oh, of course. Pardon me, it seems I managed to lose myself again for a moment.” Elizabeth laid one hand atop her belly, the other underneath it. Then she began using her legs to scoot closer and closer to the edge of the booth seat, which meant… She was getting closer and closer to Yuki as well… And she was coming… B-Belly-first…

“I-It’s no issue.” Having used up his willpower, Yuki’s voice cracked as soon as he opened his mouth.

Also, having used it up, he decided now would be a good time to try and help Elizabeth out of her seat. By grabbing onto her belly and pulling.

Elizabeth gasped, and Yuki retracted his hands.


“No, it… I mean… I-I didn’t intend to imply that…” Elizabeth trailed off, trying to find the correct words as an ever-so-slight blush came to her cheeks and nose. “Ahem. What I mean to say, is… I don’t mind if you touch. A bit. After all, this” She patted her belly once more. “Is the fruit of our collective labor. It would be wrong of me to deny you the pleasure of enjoying it.”

“I… See.” Yuki said, straightening and taking a deep breath. “I may… Take you up on that. But not now. Not here.”

He wanted to. So, so bad. The way his hands sank in just the slightest amount, before coming to meet a gentle resistance underneath, like pressing into a slightly overinflated yoga ball… It was intoxicating to remember.~

But no. Not yet. Maybe not today, even. He had a lot to figure out, and he didn’t know if he was ready for that.

Elizabeth managed to pull herself free on her own–despite the side of her belly getting stuck at the edge of a table for a second, and though the threads holding the last belly-button onto her dress strained and creaked, the metal cutting into her pale flesh just a centimeter too much for comfort… It didn’t fire off. What a sight it was, to see her belly held upwards because of that… Like the button was acting as a push-up bra for her enormous gut.~

Enough. They had places to be.

After paying–and feeling a tear crawl down his cheek at the death of his poor savings–Yuki walked out of Azuki, with Elizabeth right beside him. Her hands were contentedly folded just in front of her bust, gently rubbing along the top of her gut as they marched to shove even more food into it. It gurgled, as if it knew what was coming, and was already trying to make room…~


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