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I saw a lot of love for the Alba Selfie art compared to some of my other works. I'm very curious to know why this did better :) Is it the character in particular? I'd love to know!


Tom Friendo

We love that it is you 😍 more Albafied Alba please!

James Murphy

Dunno it's fun see yourself getting involved in your work. Also always interesting seeing the lens you put on characters or transformations you put them through.


I find it hard to explain but it's a certain characteristic that you put into some of your characters I find. You did it a lot with Mercedes for example in the past where even Mercedes wasn't speaking you still had her personality coming through in her body language and expressions, and I think it's a similar thing be it with the selfie or to a lesser extent due to the medium it is, the live2d model. The thoughts and personality comes through in its own way and makes it more of an enjoyable piece to look at because you can get a grasp of the character. Could just be talking nonsense though!

Kenny Sisroc

tbh I felt passion from that drawing, it didnt feel like something you had to do but something you wanted to do


I mostly just like her because she's got a great design. Hot as hell. On the more sentimental side, I'd like to think it's nice to draw yourself, even if it's a fantastical (or aspirational 🤷) version, and a happy artist is a healthy artist.

Kevin Murphy

I am new to your art... so I didn't even know that was you... I liked it because it has more dynamic composition... she isn't framed directly in the center... the view angle is not head-on and she isn't just on the X and Z axis... meaning that you can see depth in the image because her forearm is at a much larger scale because it is closer to the viewer... ie: the Y axis.

Kevin Murphy

oh and just to be clear im not saying your other art is not that way... just that the selfie one exemplifies it.


I concur with everything posted above. However, I’d say one thing not mentioned, subconsciously or not, is when you enjoy someone’s art you inevitably begin to wonder about the individual who created it And since deep down we share all share these erotic passions and desires for your work, it makes even more of an impact when suddenly we discover (exaggerated truth or no) that you are in fact a beautiful trans goddess, just as depicted in your work….well, that is very exciting. Somehow that personal element creates a more tangible feeling, a deeper connection to art and artist. It’s something that you can’t plan on, like Kenny said above, “feeling the passion” Enough of my rambling, essentially, it’s hot that you made yourself the subject.😁


This right here, you perfectly encapsulated my feelings.


Thanks everyone for the insights!!! <3


I found her to be beautiful.