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Hey everyone.

I don't usually like to post much personal stuff but I just wanted to give you all an update. I'm still struggling a lot with my mental health. My depression has gotten a bit worse this year. It seems like I can never win. I'm seeking help again, so hopefully I can see some improvements soon.

Honestly it has hindered my work a lot. I haven't been happy with my projects lately, and it's hard to find any desire to motivation to work or come up with ideas. I'm so lucky to be in a position where you all support me. I try to keep a good work ethic but I know I'm just much slower than I used to be.

I will continue to work though! I want to improve my mental health and be able to make animations for you all to enjoy. Hopefully as my mental state improves, so can my work. I'm so grateful for the continued support and everybody who has stayed with me even, if the content hasn't been what you'd normally enjoy.

Thank you all <3



Depression is no joke… just know that non of it is your fault. I’m happy you are seeking help, no one should battle something like THAT by themselves. ❤️ Rooting for you!!!

D Kong

Here's my first comment. Please forgive me for using a translator. I love your work. Please spend time for yourself. Always cheering you on.


I hope you feel better and always remember to prioritize your mental health. Been there, and it’s always an uphill battle. I will be cheering you on! Also, your most recent night elf-troll animation is literally my favorite in the whole world. I hope we get more WoW animations in the future 🖤

Xen and Cake

Mental health is no joke. Stay well.

Third Degree

Hey man I'm working on a non profit organization called tap in . If you need someone tap in anytime bro