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So this week I went to work on Collar(ed)6 Chapter 2: Page 1. Setting up another epic showdown between an embittered Trina and a Evita. I had a catgirl Linda Knight about to give up a life as a thief to try life as maid to a fallen Mistress Moriyama who had become overly sadistic following the events of Collar(ed)6.

And I hate it.

Part of why I didn't ever plan to come back to Collar(ed)6 is that I didn't know where to take it. I ended it on as bright a note as I could after all the stupidly deciding to put Xor and Arkon (two Atlantean ghosts) in the center of the story, when it had really just started as a way for me to draw Sixx and Evita getting it on.

So when I started seeing this page coming together I started getting frustrated and realized this isn't what I want. In the same way that I let Collar6 go from being a light-hearted bondage romp to the super powered soap opera it is now, I'm letting another silly funtime thingie go off the rails. So I'm stopping it right now.

Y'all voted for another page of Collar(ed)6 and I'm going to give y'all that. But this isn't good enough. So I'm going to restart from one of two places. Either it's a direct continuation of the original Collar(ed)6 where I *don't* get bogged down in soap opera bullshit. Or a complete reboot. Either way, the sexual situations *have* to be at the forefront of the story because that was the concept for the original and what made it work.

I'll be back in a few days with something that doesn't suck ass.




Sending hugs!


do what you want this is your story

Great Scott

Some story lines work -- some don't. This may have had potential, but if it's not where you want to go, then continue as you've mentioned. The art did look good in its preliminary form, so keep doing what you're doing, in whichever way you take it.


I can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen, though I would have been curious to know where the discarded strip would have gone.


what if Trina starts her own household, to get Michele back? something like who is the better domme?:P

Robert McGann

I've heard many writers say that they sometimes have to wrestle the characters into place as the characters are wanting more and more attention, no matter what the writer had intended. Sometimes you just have to say, "Enough!" and set it aside.


I think it's good.

Wild Card

If you really don't want to do any more Collar(ed)6, then let the series stay ended. If you want to do a one-shot page of it, then fine. But otherwise, just leave it as ended and no longer an option in the choices of what you should draw next.


Perhaps a different angle? Something like Evita trying to make amends with Trina, and Trina requiring her to jump through a few (sexy) hoops to prove it? Maybe Trina gets to dom Evita or perhaps Michelle while cucking Evita?


As always, don't feel like you need to apologize. We're all here for you, whatever route you decide to go down :)


I think, if C (ed) 6 has narrative problems, then you could just leave it as a collection of erotic art that has nothing to do with narration. Or rework story, and reshape it from any point, as Fiona decide, for the better. I believe that this will keep the interest of the audience, but it will not completely kill the series, and if necessary, you can return to it later. I confess I'm primarily a C (ed) 6 fan for it's open sexuality, liberation and amazing costumes and gadgets. Therefore, I really would not like to lose this series. But I also acknowledge the author's full right to say “enough,” even if it painfully echoes in my heart.


Love, I can't speak fpr everyone, but I know all I want out of C(ed) 6 is to see Michelle in sexy sub outfits being fucked.