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Working on Oni animation !  A good cycled one 👀 

Also did some doodle requests . It was fun to draw some interesting and pretty random characters to warmup.

Join my discord server so you can possibly get one as well. Some times i just appear and want to make some people a bit more happy.


How to get a role - https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-

Thank you for your support!




Damn ash kinda thicc


Start the hype train, love seeing your animations


That doe is so sexy

Parker Trotter

As much as Oni Booty = Best Booty, it is cool to see some variation 😍

Leon K

The thing I enjoy the most is not the segs . . . Its her face of enjoyment <3

Lemonade Rat

I love the rhythmic motion of her legs as she’s rides them, and thats a nice collection of sketches. I like your deer, raptor and bear characters, as well as your take on Felicia.