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Final Result

After counting all the votes and attributing the correct voting power for each tier and their votes this is the final result.

We have a pretty clear winner this time around and its the Thigh Fishnets!

Turns out You lot really REALLY like your fishnets huh?

Special thanks

I want to thank SMALF again for doing the sketches on the Kemono design and some future armors too

You can see more of their work over at Smalf's Twitter

Final Count

Thigh Fishnets - 110 Votes
Smalf's Kemono - 39 Votes
Very Basic - 3 Votes
Hinata - 12 Votes
Mai - 22 Votes

Next Vote Starts very soon!

The next vote will begin at 06:00 AM UTC time.

And this time it will be for the Kung Fu outfit (we will reuse both Mai and the Smalf's Kemono design

You can follow the projects progress here




I'll be honest im mostly here for the palworld mods but the peach mods look promising and i might get the game because of them. But you said you were doing the metal armor for palworld this month correct? Does that include the refined metal armor?


Indeed it does yea! The plan is to finish the 2 armors that are essentially done for peach and then release a beta of it while i work on palworld as i let this and possibly one more vote get decided before i continue Showtime mods. Tbh i just been kinda uninspired with Palworld which hasnt been the same issue for Peach Showtime that has so vastly different outfits letting me feel creative. Thats the biggest reason i've managed to get distracted as much as i have with the Peach mod rather than the Palworld one.