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E1-2. This is an interesting experiment, for me, because I hadn't planned to watch this - at least, not while also watching Perfect Marriage Revenge - because it sounded like Show would be really similar to Perfect Marriage Revenge.

I mean, female lead dies because of a cheating husband, and gets to go back in time with her memories intact, where she plans revenge - but also, finds herself, and true love, in the process?

You can't get much more specific than that, yes? 😁

But, because you guys are in the mood for this one, I find myself in the very interesting position of watching both shows in tandem, and therefore being able to compare them side by side.

Now, lest you be worried, let me assure you upfront, that I don't actually plan to do a compare-and-contrast of the two shows, week to week.

These are just some initial thoughts, where I consider the shows broadly, and then, I expect that I'll be able to enjoy each show for what it wants to be, without wanting to compare them too much.

The first thing that I think I should mention upfront, is that this show's 16 episodes, versus Perfect Marriage Revenge's 12 episodes, is likely to result in some difference in pacing.

I think that's only logical, and so I wanted to remind myself of this right away, so that I don't start finding this show slower, when all it's doing, is marching to its own 16-episode rhythm. 😁

The main immediate difference that I'm finding, between the two shows, is that Perfect Marriage Revenge is the kind of juicy makjang that doesn't take itself seriously, so everyone's hamming it up for the camera in an almost tongue-in-cheek sort of way, and Show is also written with some tongue-in-cheek self-deprecation at play.

I personally like that style a lot, and that is my favorite style of makjang.

And, I'm mistakenly assumed, that because this show has a very similar premise, that this would also be a self-aware, tongue-in-cheek sort of makjang.

Uh. That does not appear to be the case, at least in these first two episodes.

In fact, the sense that I'm getting, is that Show, is, in fact, taking itself very seriously.

And honestly, I don't know what to do about that, because I'm quite perplexed by the writing of the nasty characters.

The lines of dialogue are so OTT horrible, that I just can't imagine that writer-nim intended for it to be played straight?

Like the way Min Hwan and his mother react, when they find out about Ji Won's cancer diagnosis.

Min Hwan whines about this would affect him, while Mom dismisses it, telling Ji Won not to think of using this as an excuse to not work, because cancer's no big deal, nowadays.

There's SO MANY other examples as well, but I'll just pick out one more, and that's the way Min Hwan and Soo Min talk gleefully about the possibility of Ji Won dying, because that would result in more insurance money for them.

And how about the way they talk to her so disdainfully, when she catches them in bed together?

And how about the way they react, with disgust, when she falls while struggling with Soo Min, and hits her head on the glass coffee table and dies?

Show plays all of this straight, and my brain struggled to process how all of this could be intended to be taken seriously. 😅

Like, could this be a disconnect between the writing and directing, I wonder?

Coz the lines can be interpreted in different ways, both in the acting and directing, and I am legit wondering if writer-nim intended for this to be a self-aware, juicy makjang, but PD-nim didn't get the memo, and is therefore playing it very, very straight? 😅

I'm honestly still trying to work out a lens adjustment that would help this land better, but I can't help shaking the feeling that a lot of this show's lines of dialogue would be so much more engaging and entertaining, if they weren't being played straight, but instead, were treated with a hammier sort of touch.

Is.. Serious Makjang really A Thing? And, if it is, is that what Show's trying to be? That's what I'm wondering right now. 😅

Generally speaking, I have to admit that I'm not super taken with Show's tone so far, but this could also be a case of my needing a bit more time to get into Show's groove, so fingers crossed, that I'll find myself vibing more easily with what Show's serving up, soon enough.

Conceptually, I do like the idea of what Show is serving up, however.

I find it interesting that Ji Won realizes that things that are supposed to happen, will happen - and if not to her, then to someone else.

Meaning, if she doesn't want certain things to happen to her, she needs to get those things to happen to someone else.

This is certainly one way to keep things interesting, and create enough story for 16 episodes.

Now, I do think that this is something that we can't examine too closely with an analytical lens.

Because, if we pick it apart, then we'd be questioning whether Ji Won is stealing someone else's fate, by escaping her own, and we'd also be asking questions about how much needs to change, in order for her to qualify as having escaped her fate.

Or.. maybe those are the exact questions that Show wants us to ask, and Show will delve into them later? Hrmm. 🤔

My gut instinct around this, right now, is that this is something we have to accept as part of Show's foundation, and just roll with it, in order to enjoy the payoff of Ji Won gaining victory over the people who have done her wrong.

I do expect that that's where a lot of the watch gratification will come from; seeing all the bad people getting their just desserts, as Ji Won plots circles around them, thanks to her knowing details of the future that, at this point in time, hasn't happened yet.

And part of that, I expect, is also about Ji Won finding her way to live a happier, more fulfilled life, which they absolutely do not expect her to be capable of doing.

And if an eligible chaebol prince like Ji Hyuk is part of that equation, thus causing the baddies to gnash their teeth in envy and frustration, so much the better.

For the record, I am perfectly down for some vicarious gratification through those means, so I am looking forward to see how this all unfolds.

Speaking of our resident chaebol prince, I do like the idea of Na In Woo's character Ji Hyuk; I just.. am not sure if Na In Woo is making Ji Hyuk bland on purpose? 😅

I mean, he is suitably level-headed and heroic, in dealing with Ji Won's first outburst at the office, when she comes back from the dead, and he's also thoughtful and kind, in helping her afterwards.

Plus, he does seem to have a special interest in her, with how we see him looking into her resume, and getting his assistant to look into the restaurant that Soo Min mentions she's taking Ji Won to.

It's just.. I feel like Ji Hyuk's missing some presence and charisma? 😅

Or maybe Na In Woo is saving that for when Ji Hyuk officially comes out as this story's chaebol prince? Possibly?

As of right now, Ji Hyuk's saved Ji Won three times in the space of a very short few days, but I'm thinking that this is all in the name of drama coincidence, rather than the possibility of Ji Hyuk also knowing the future because he's also on a do-over journey like Ji Won.

I could be wrong, of course, but I'm just thinking that this amount of coincidental opportunity for heroic saving, is still within the realm of Dramaland Reason, so I don't think that we need to read too much into it, at the moment.

What I appreciate about Ji Won's character, is that she doesn't glom onto Ji Hyuk, even though he keeps showing up and saving her, and being kind to her.

Instead of leaning into that and trying to see if he would make a willing ally (or if he likes her), she's excusing herself from his presence, assuming that there will be nothing more than business between them, despite all the times that he's been kind to her.

This, despite that Clark Kent-Superman moment at the restaurant, when he takes off his glasses, and suddenly, he looks so handsome in her eyes, ha.

I like that streak of independence about her.

As for Park Min Young in the role of Ji Won, I do credit Park Min Young for delivering Ji Won's emotions in a believable manner, so that I receive her pain, grief, wistfulness, anger and confusion as genuine emotions that Ji Won feels.

I have to confess that I am quite distracted by how, uh, frail Park Min Young looks in this role. 😅

It was reported that she got down to 37kg for this role, and, there's no way around it, that translates into very thin and very fragile, for her height.

I can only hope that as we get deeper into our story, Ji Won will look healthier and less fragile as Park Min Young (hopefully) puts some of the weight back on.

As for Soo Min, I do think that she's shaping up quite well, to be a character whom you love to hate.

This is a very different role for Song Ha Yoon, in that, I've only ever seen her in Fight My Way, where she plays a very different sort of character.

She's really leaning into the devious-entitled-egomaniac-hiding-behind-the-persona-of-injured-innocence and it's really pretty great.

Song Ha Yoon's angelic features, coupled with the affectations that Soo Min puts on, as she does her darn best to create Pretty Privilege for herself wherever she can, is exactly that kind of combination that makes me want to reach into my screen and tear her hair out - which I'm sure is exactly what Show is going for.

Of course, we learn that Soo Min is an extremely toxic so-called friend to Ji Won, and has always been toxic towards Ji Won; just less obviously so, before the affair in our original timeline.

And so, every time Ji Won foils Soo Min's attempt to cajole her into something, it's pretty satisfying to watch.

Like that beat when Soo Min's putting her head on Ji Won's lap at the office, and expecting Ji Won to stroke her hair, only to have Ji Won push her head hastily aside, when Toxic Supervisor calls for her.

I don't like Toxic Supervisor, certainly, but the fact that Soo Min looks so put-out in this moment, is pretty great, and he did contribute to that.

Speaking of Toxic Supervisor, again, I find it hard to buy that someone could be this toxic and obviously misogynistic at the office, and get away with it, but.. ok, maybe such people exist, and get away with it because the people around them are scared to say anything.

I do like the fact that Ji Hyuk is clearly against Toxic Supervisor's ways, even though we haven't gotten to a point where Ji Hyuk actually tells him off.

I like the idea of Ji Won finding a way to get her idea about meal kits approved, despite Toxic Supervisor not giving her proposal the time of day, but I do wonder how effective this is going to be, given that, 1, Manager Yang appears to still report to Toxic Supervisor, and 2, Soo Min's still determined to steal the idea from Ji Won by cozying up to Toxic Supervisor.

I suppose it's early days yet, in Ji Won's revenge plan, so it makes sense that not everything will be smooth-sailing, while she figures out the way forward.

I do like the new friend that she makes, in Hee Yeon; it feels like Hee Yeon's going to be a very positive presence in Ji Won's life.

She's bubbly, appreciative of Ji Won's kindness and talent, and isn't afraid to refuse Soo Min's Pretty Privilege requests, and flatly, at that.

Gosh, I love her already. 🤩

Overall, I'm not yet loving this show, but there is definitely enough going on that I find interesting, for me to feel pretty positive about watching more episodes. That's not bad, yes?

* This show will be covered on the VIP Early Access (US$15) Tier *

Next episode notes will be out on: Friday, 12 Jan 2024!



Thanks for your review as it provided a very in depth review of your initial perspective of the two shows. I am interesting in seeing how this show plays out as I have read the webtoon and loved it.


I'm glad you enjoyed these notes, Divine!! ❤️ Also, great to hear that you love the webtoon, coz it means that Show's got a good chance of being great too - if it follows its source material closely enough! 😊


Halfway through the first ep and popped over here to see what I might expect because I am feeling myself getting low key obsessed with this show but don’t want another CCIR situation. I still rewatch CCIR through episode 11 and then skip to 16 and it makes me sad every time. Will temper expectations and also now am eyeing PMR…hmmm. I love a good revenge plot.