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As you all know by now, Our Mister, Lee Sun Gyun, is no longer with us, and it's a horrible, tragic loss in so many ways.

I honestly don't know what to say.. it's such a tragic loss, and speaks of such dysfunction within the system, and I feel terrible for how he must have felt, to have made such a decision, and also, I feel terrible for his wife, Jeon Hye Jin, and their kids, who must be in such shock and pain, over his loss. 💔

I keep wishing that this whole thing would turn out to not be true, but it is, unfortunately, not a dream, nor a hoax. 😭

Our Mister is gone too soon, and I can only hope that he's in a better place now, and at peace.

Like many of you also expressed, I did personally find it rather troubling to know that he was in close association with bar hostesses such that he'd even be in a position to be blackmailed, but I also want to acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes, and this was likely a mistake that he very much regretted.

Of course, I didn't know him personally, but I've always thought he had kind eyes, like in this photo above. And I'd like to remember him by those kind eyes, and believe that that kindness in his eyes, came from a kindness in his soul. 🥲

Rest in peace, Lee Sun Gyun-sshi.. You will definitely be missed. 😔

It also pains me to hear your own stories of loss, my friends, that you've been sharing in the comments, and my heart goes out to all of you who've been personally affected by the suicide of someone you cared about. 

Sending love and hugs to all of you..

There is so much dysfunction in the world, that it troubles me to think about it for too long. But I'm comforted that we have a safe place here, among friends, where we can create our own bubble of safety and respite. 

Group hug, everyone. Thank you for being part of this safe space.

Much love, 

KFG ❤️



I am so glad Lee Je Hoon was brave enough to say something in his honor and so sad to hear the reaction for his bravery. https://www.koreaboo.com/news/koreans-shame-actor-lee-je-hoon-sbs-award-speech-lee-sun-kyun/


This is despicable. Sigh. Their love for celebrities is so shallow. On the turn of a dime it transforms to unrelenting hatred.


Here's a tribute to a fine talent and a good person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3DeNXx9xhE