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Hi everyone!

Just in case you haven't seen the announcement yet, we'll be having a group watch of Move To Heaven, and discussions will be on the main blog, starting this Wed, 27 September 2023!

Many thanks to Elaine for suggesting this show, and to everyone else who's expressed interest in joining this watch.

I'll be sharing my episode notes, which are also available here on Patreon, to support the group watch.

The schedule will be as follows:

Week 1 – 27 Sep Wed to 3 Oct Tue: Ep 1 to 3
Week 2 – 4 Oct Wed to 10 Oct Tue: Ep 4 to 6
Week 3 – 11 Oct Wed to 17 Oct Tue: Ep 7 to 8
Week 4 – 18 Oct Wed to 24 Oct Tue: Ep 9 to 10

You can find the announcement on the main blog here!

Happy watching and discussing, everyone!

KFG ❤️



I loved this show and watched it when it came out! I rated it #5 in my top 10 list that year (2021). I haven’t rewatched because I don’t have time to do that much, but it will be fun to watch this together and discuss it again.


Great show! I may not have time to rewatch but can throw in my two cents when you guys discuss. Get ready for Lee Jehoon with a mullet 🤣


@CICUKate- You didnt warn me well enough about the mullet....GAH! 😂😂😂