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Hi everyone,

I've got a few things to let you know, and it all boils down to more schedule disruptions, really sorry. 🙈

1. The Uncanny Counter 2: Counterpunch is on probation with me.

I'd been pretty confident that I would like it enough to have it be the replacement show for 19h Life, but after finishing the first 2 eps, I'm not super sure anymore.

I don't dislike it per se, but there are enough things that I don't love, that makes me wonder if it's worth covering on Patreon.

If I don't cover it on Patreon, I'd likely still watch it, because I do have a good amount of affection for the Counter crew.

The thing is, I'm not super sure I'm on board with the slapsticky vibe that's coming through, and Show does seem to want to lean into that, in these first 2 eps.

Overall, I'm putting Show on probation. If the next 2 eps feel more solid and cohesive, then I'm thinking it could possibly be the replacement show for Dr. Romantic 3, which is due to finish up next, here on Patreon.

2. With The Uncanny Counter 2 on probation, I'm planning to check out My Lovely Liar as the NEW replacement show for 19th Life, because initial reactions from viewers seem pretty positive.

But, I'll have to watch the first 2 eps to see if I like it enough to cover it here on Patreon.

This means that episode notes for the new show will be late, because I haven't yet had a chance to take a look at My Lovely Liar.

3. My work schedule will be disrupted today, more than I'd expected. 😅

We are having the aircon pipes replaced in our apartment today, and I'd thought that I'd be able to work fairly normally, while the works are going on.

Ha. I was over-ambitious on that one, for sure. 🤪

As I type this, there is a lot of construction noise going on around me, as they cut holes in our ceiling, and I have no access to pretty much everything in the house, because the works stretch from our kitchen, to the bedrooms.

I've parked myself at the living room table to work, but with all the noise going on, I don't know how productive I will manage to be.

This does mean that whatever scheduled-related goals I'd had, are likely to be disrupted. 🙈

4. I am hoping that notes for Hidden Love will still be achievable today, because I've watched the episodes already, so writing about the eps might be doable, despite the construction noise.

Watching the eps of My Lovely Liar, however, will probably have to wait, because even though I've got my earbuds with me, I feel like I wouldn't be able to give the show a fair chance, if I'm watching it in the midst of piping works. 😅

I honestly don't know when I'll be able to have episode notes up for My Lovely Liar, assuming I like it enough to cover here, but I'd say.. sometime this week? 😅

I aim to have episode notes up for When I Fly Towards You up according to schedule, on Friday.

Sorry everyone, for all the disruptions and delays lately.. I suddenly seem to have a lot going on. 🤪

My forecasts might be a little off, depending on how things go, but I promise I'm doing my best, and if things don't come out at the times that I predicted, they'll likely come out not too long after. 😅

Thanks everyone for your patience, I super appreciate how understanding you all have been.

Smooches to ya,

KFG ❤️



Thanks @Elaine and @Trent! I’ll finish S1 out at least, as it’s a nice fit with my other two shows (“Beloved Summer” and “Dr. Romantic 2”)….


No worries Fangurl!