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..Also known as "Don't call me god of gamblers"

This is a 2023 Hong Kong comedy drama film directed by Anthony Pun and starring Chow Yun-fat as a pathological gambler who searches a way to communicate and connect with his autistic son.

Show is slated for a 21 June theater release.

KFG ❤️


周潤發浪子回頭!【別叫我"賭神"】台灣官方預告 6月21日(三) 端午連假感動獻映

【#別叫我賭神】(One More Chance) 6月21日(三) 端午連假感動上映 ⭐影壇巨星 #周潤發 大銀幕重返賭途!? ⭐《#無雙》金獎團隊傾力打造❗ ⭐《#無間道》金獎編劇莊文強感人新作❗ ⭐金馬金像最佳攝影 #潘耀明 執導❗ ⭐金像影后 #袁詠儀、北影影帝 #方中信、金像男配 #廖啟智、《濁水漂流》#柯煒林 共同演出❗ FB👉https://www.facebook.com/lsmovie IG👉https://www.instagram.com/lsmovietw/ 立即訂閱龍祥電影YT頻道並開啟🔔精采內容不漏接



I don't see the comedy - it looks pretty bleak to me. But am liking the look of that father-son bond.