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E1. In a drama landscape where second seasons are being more common, I realize that this is the first time I'm actually covering a second season where it picks up directly from where Season 1 had left off.

Other multiple season shows I've covered, like the Let's Eat group of shows, have been more like offshoots than one season directly picking up where the last one left off, and, now that I'm trying it out for the first time, I have to say that it's.. an interesting experience?

It's been several months now, since Season 1 wrapped, and therefore, there are a bunch of details that are hazy in my head.

This is especially true of this show, because this is a very magicky world with lots of details and names and norms that are specific to this drama world.

It's.. honestly not very helpful that my brain's not in the same space anymore, because I find myself madly trying to fish for information in my head, as I'm watching, and I don't always come up with an answer. 😅

This naturally leads me to a related point, and that is, between Season 1 and Season 2, 3 years have passed.

On the upside, the gap between seasons does mimic this time skip, because it feels like the 3 months or so that we wait between seasons, is about equivalent to the 3 years that have passed, in drama time.

On the downside, with stuff in my memory being somewhat hazy, AND, with many of our characters in different places (both literally and figuratively) compared to when we last saw them, I find myself struggling to figure out whether I have any knowledge to explain the reasons for these characters' different situations.

Like, I found myself asking, do I know why these characters are in these positions, based on how Season 1 ended, or is it something that I will find out in due course, in Season 2? 😅

This felt pretty disorientating, to be honest.

And of course, this could have been avoided, if Season 2 had aired right after Season 1, kinda like how Part 1 and Part 2 of Love Like The Galaxy flowed one into the other without missing a beat.

In that way, my mental grasp of what's what and why, in our drama world, doesn't get compromised by my filling my drama plate with other shows and other characters, in the 3 months that it takes Season 2 to air. 😅

This is one of the reasons that we drama fans have traditionally always preferred the single season approach to kdramas.

ANYWAY. That was just to explain my sense of disorientation, this first episode.

I also wanted to say, I felt that it took me a while to get back into the story, also because I wasn't jiving with the tone that Show has, for the first half of the episode.

I'm referring specifically to the more comic touches, like Lee Joon Hyuk's cameo, and the scenes of him and his buddies gawking at Uk fighting the soul shifter, and all the more comedic-leaning reactions that come with that.

I dunno. Maybe it's just me, but I had it in my head that we were in a pretty intense, dramatic section of our story, where Uk's back from the dead, but scarred and broken from having lost the love of his life, and also, tortured (let's not forget tortured!) from this, and from having the ice stone inside of him.

After Season 1's epic ending, I'd kinda anticipated that we'd start off on an intense note as well, so I was rather thrown by the attempts at levity.

For example, I wasn't really into the whole thing, where we see Park Jin forcing his terrible cooking on everyone else as a matter of routine, and cluelessly thinking that everyone thinks it's delicious.

I didn't find it funny, honestly. And in fact, I thought that Show was making Park Jin look kind of pathetic, whether accidentally or on purpose, and I didn't like that much. 😬

Aside from this, though, I do like how we are given a fairly good glimpse at how tortured Uk is, this first episode.

He's quite different from the irrepressible Uk whom we'd first gotten to know in Season 1, but given all that he's been through, it's not surprising in the least, he's become a lot more jaded and world-weary.

Maybe I'm sadistic or something; I find that I actually like this version of Uk, all badass and formidable in battle, yet broody, angsty and tortured in private.

It makes him feel layered and intriguing, and, not gonna lie; I find him most interesting, out of all our characters, at the moment.

And then, to address the elephant in the room, we have the switchover in actress for our female lead, from Jung So Min to Go Yoon Jung.

I have to confess that I don't naturally like the idea of changing actresses, because I'd grown so fond of Jung So Min as Mu Deok, but I do get the idea, that the person whom Uk loves, isn't Mu Deok, but the person whose soul resided in Mu Deok's body, through most of Season 1.

And so, keeping this in mind, I was reminding myself, through this entire first episode, that Go Yoon Jung's character is, essentially, the person whom Uk had loved through Season 1.

That said, I have to admit that I'm rather confused as to who Go Yoon Jung's character is supposed to be.

This episode, she's introduced as Bu Yeon, but.. I thought that the person Uk loved, was Naksu?

I know that Naksu, Bu Yeon and Mu Deok all got smushed into one body in Season 1, but, now that that's been taken apart, so to speak, where is Naksu, in all of this?

I'm vaguely getting the idea that Madam Jin believes that Go Yoon Jung's character is Bu Yeon, even though she appears to be in Naksu's body..? Is that right?

Because, I know that Go Yoon Jung played Naksu in Season 1, not Bu Yeon.

If it isn't already clear, I am very confused by this. 😅

I'm putting this down as one of the things that Show will likely explain, as we get deeper into our story, ie, it's not something that I'm supposed to understand, right off the bat. I think. 😅

All that said, I do find Show to be nicely stylish, much like Season 1, and in particular, I appreciate the way we transition from one scene to the next.

For example, I really like the way Show uses the wine bottle as a focal point, to switch from a scene of Uk drinking, to a scene of Bu Yeon drinking.

It's not only a neat transition, it also gives us the feeling that Uk and Bu Yeon are drinking together, even though they are physically in different places. I thought that was very nicely done.

I do find it an interesting set-up, this season, where it looks like Uk and Bu Yeon (Naksu?) don't recognize each other, but are on a path to finding each other.

The fact that this path involves a contract marriage of sorts, where Uk appears to agree to marry Bu Yeon, because she needs his help, in exchange for her help, is bonus, because I do tend to gravitate towards the contract marriage trope.

I do also really like the poignance of the fact that Uk identifies with Bu Yeon on how she isn't supposed to be alive. That sense of alienation, while different in its manifestation, is something that I can see being common ground for the both of them.

Grounding this whole thing, and lending it more than a little pathos, is the fact that we know that the help that Uk hopes to get from Bu Yeon, involves removing the ice stone from him, which would result in his death.

It really tugs at my heartstrings, to think that Uk is so tormented, that he would rather knowingly choose death, than live while tapping on the power of the ice stone. 💔

Besides the OTP arc, I'm also interested in the arc between Dang Gu and Cho Yeon, because while their loveline had been a light and cute distraction in Season 1, it's now become this sad forced separation, where it feels like they will never be able to be together again, because Dang Gu had failed to save Cho Yeon's father, when Mu Deok had attacked him while in zombie mode.

It's obvious that they still both harbor feelings for each other (the wistful looks that Dang Gu wears in relation to Cho Yeon are really getting to me), and I would love for them to overcome the past, and be together again.

As we close out the episode, Uk's just magicked Bu Yeon away from her wedding, to a deserted lake, and I'm as surprised as Uk, really, that Bu Yeon seems so delighted to be marrying him.

I mean, the way she throws her arms around him is cute, and it does lend a touch of whimsy to an otherwise sobering contract marriage (because Uk's looking to die and all), so it's not at all unwelcome, from where I'm sitting.

Altogether, this was a rather uneven first episode for me, but I put that down to teething issues, stemming mostly from me trying to get myself re-situated in this drama world.

I'm feeling curious and positive, about our next episodes.

E2. Ahhh. This is more like it. I think I've found my feet with this show, because I enjoyed this episode a lot more easily than our first episode. YESS. And, phew. 😅

First of all, I'm so glad that Show provides an explanation for why Bu Yeon has Naksu's face. If they hadn't explained that, that would have niggled at me to no end.

And, props to Show for coming up with an explanation that even makes sense, within the construct of our story world.

I can buy the idea that because the soul in Bu Yeon's body is actually Naksu's, that the body would slowly (over the 3 years she remained hidden, I presume) grow to look more and more like Naksu, in order for the soul and body to be in harmony.

On that note, it's no wonder Madam Jin has such a complicated attitude towards her daughter.

She sees Naksu as an enemy who's inhabiting her daughter's body, and she also sees Naksu as the reason she had to let go of Bu Yeon's soul.

It's like adding insult to injury, to have Bu Yeon's body change to look like Naksu.

I can imagine Madam Jin having a strong love-hate relationship with Bu Yeon, as a result. How does she love her daughter, when the person in front of her doesn't even bear Bu Yeon's likeness, anymore?

Essentially, it's like Naksu's taken over Bu Yeon's body, and turned Bu Yeon's body into her own. Bu Yeon's become Naksu's fresh beginning. If Naksu regains her memories, and therefore no longer lives as Bu Yeon, that transition would become complete.

It sucks for Bu Yeon, certainly, but I'm just relieved that we have narrative integrity on this point, honestly. 😅

This episode, as we learn more about Bu Yeon (we'll call her Bu Yeon for now, until and unless this changes, and she stops identifying as Bu Yeon), I really feel sorry for her.

She tries so hard to please her mother, but gets treated as an object, and is locked up, and slapped with a tracking bracelet, and it feels like there's nothing she can do, to change that.

I generally find Bu Yeon likable, in that, there's something warm and sincere about her.

Although she's entering this spontaneous contract marriage with Uk, she shows that she  is curious about him as a person, and genuinely would like to get to know him better. I find that sweet and comforting, particularly since the world at large seems to be avoiding Uk.

I also like that she doesn't lie to Uk for very long, and that, when pressed by Uk, she does admit the truth, even as she tries to find other grounds on which they can build their marriage. Plus, she does also tell him more about herself and her background, as she reveals the truth.

This desire of hers, to make their marriage real, even though it's basically a business arrangement of sorts, gives me the impression that she's all heart, and that endears her to me.

Then, when she leaves, because Uk realizes that she doesn't have her powers, and tells her that he has no use for her, she still turns back to check on the people in Uk's household, when she senses a weird energy from that water ghost (soul shifter?) dude.

And, she even puts herself in danger, in trying to get the water ghost dude to leave. That's a great deal of sincerity and selflessness, given her short period of interaction with Uk and his household.

I can believe that Uk would be a little touched by her actions, even though his heart is still pining for Naksu / Mu Deok.

ALSO. Isn't Bu Yeon just so refreshingly frank, for a noble lady?

I mean, the way she cheerfully tells Yul that he's handsome, and that's why she might have wavered in her decision, if he'd been her betrothed, is just quite charming to my eyes. 😁

Last but not least, on top of all that, Bu Yeon does feel sympathy and compassion for Madam Jin, even though Madam Jin's done nothing but keep her confined for the last 3 years of her life.

Yet, even so, she feels sorry at the thought of really running away, because that would mean that Madam Jin's lost her daughter, all over again.

That really is quite kind and sweet, isn't it?

On a different note, I've been noticing that there's something slightly wan and worn-out about Yul, this season, and I'd wondered about it, last episode.

This episode, it actually becomes clearer to me, when he tells Dang Gu not to live his life regretting what he could have done; that he now knows how much he would regret it, if he decided to walk away.

That definitely smacks of regrets and missed opportunities from Season 1, and it's really poignant to think that these feelings of regret have worn Yul down, such that it's affected his physical appearance.

ALSO. What is this, with Yul experiencing chest pains, this episode? I don't recall that Yul had any chest pains, last season?

Is this condition also related to his heartbreak and regret, I wonder..?

Whatever it is, I don't have a good feeling about this. He's asking Uncle to keep it a secret, and he's looking wan and pale. That's not a good combination of things, in any drama world, right? 😬

The more I watch this show, the more I find myself disliking Madam Jin, even though I sympathize with her over the loss of her daughter.

But, the way she literally sews that tracking thread into Bu Yeon's shoulder, is just crazy and cruel to me.

And, the way she can earnestly ask Bu Yeon to agree to appear once before the Unanimous Council as Jinyowon's heir, and then never step outside Jinyowon again, for the rest of her life, is just insane.

How could she do that, while claiming to love her daughter? How could she do that to anyone, really?

That's why I'm extra glad that Uk shows up at the Unanimous Council in such a coolly badass and dramatic fashion, blowing out all the torches with his magic, and then facing Bu Yeon like she's the only person present, asks her to put out the magical lantern from Jinyowon.

He literally doesn't care that everyone who's anyone is present and watching, and I hafta say, that "I don't give a da*n" attitude is, not gonna lie, very alluring. 🤩

ALSO. How intriguing, that it's when Bu Yeon puts her hand on Uk's, that the magical lantern goes out.

Ooh. How does that work??

With that question in the air, I'm even more curious to see how this newly minted (technically still contract) couple is going to navigate their new reality, while all eyes are on them.

Adding contract marriage hijinks to all of the magicky hijinks that we've already got? Why, don't mind if we do, Show. Don't mind if we do. 😁

Next episode notes will be out on: Friday, 23 December 2022!

*This show will be covered on the Ultimate Early Access (US$25) Tier*



OOOOHHHHHH!!!! I just finished watching episode 4 and my god, I LOVE IT!!!!!! I am all over this version of Naksu (Bu Yeon) and (painfully tortured) Jang Uk 😍😍😍😍 I love it because it has such an undercurrent of "how on earth can this end well" so while I'm squeeing, I'm also dying - in a good way! Perfection 😊


I was also very disoriented at the beginning of ep 1 and wondering what the heck was going on and definitely not very happy about it. Like Jennifer I wanted some of the scenes from the aftermath of season 1. Alas. Not to be. But eventually everything did come together and by ep 2 things were making sense. I’m also loving the contract marriage business. Watching Uk squirm at his unexpected, unexplainable (to him) attraction to Bu Yeon tickles me. I also don’t like the horrible cooking bit. It’s a distraction and not funny to me like intended.