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My dear friends,

If you've been on the main blog recently, you'd probably know that one of the things that's being discussed right now, is whether or not to keep going with the group watches, and if so, then with what tweaks.

Along with that, dear Elaine was prompted to reach out to me to give me some feedback, which I found super helpful, and actually, in line with stuff that's been niggling at me, at the back of my mind, for a while now.


Essentially, Elaine shared with me that it felt a bit imbalanced, that group watches move at a faster speed of 2 eps a week, compared to the Patreon watches, where I cover 1 ep every 5 days. 

While you guys have been super patient and understanding, this has resulted in a situation where, by the time I reach a particular episode, it's way behind the rest of you, as you've moved forward with your watches, more in tandem with the airing schedule.

It's something that's been niggling at me, in that, I would like to fix things, because I would like to feel more up to date as well, rather than lagging behind everyone else, as I have been for the longest time. 

With this group watch thing being discussed at the same time, it feels like a good time to experiment, in the interest of recalibrating things to something that would work better overall.


Elaine's suggestion was to bring one of the group watches to Patreon, as a special bonus, so that, I could better channel my efforts, without significant increase in total effort.

However, thinking about it, that still isn't what I would like, ideally speaking.

Here's what I'd like to do. (And this is what the great experiment is, because I want to give this a good shot, but I honestly don't know if I'll be able to do this in a sustainable manner.)

I'd like to assign one day of the week to each tier, and cover twice the number of episodes that I currently do, each time.

This is what this looks like, at the moment:


MONDAY: A Dream Of Splendor, 4 eps, up from 2 eps

TUESDAY: Shining For One Thing, 4 eps, up from 2 eps 

WEDNESDAY: Extraordinary Attorney Woo, 2 eps, up from 1 ep

THURSDAY: Love Like The Galaxy, 4 eps, up from 2 eps

FRIDAY: Alchemy Of Souls, 2 eps, up from 1 ep

SATURDAY: Autumn's Concerto group watch on the main blog

SUNDAY: k-ent tidbits here on Patreon


This means that I would complete each show significantly faster than before, which would eventually result in more frequent reviews on the main blog (which is also something that folks seem to want, based on the poll).

At the same time, you can also imagine that this is going to be a new challenge for me, as I try this on, and figure out whether I can actually live up to this schedule.

I figured that the best thing to do, would be to give it a trial run, and see how that goes. We can always tweak as we go, to make it run better and smoother.

So.. I may crash and burn at some point, and not be able to meet the deadlines I've set for myself. Hopefully not, but this is just a heads-up that it might happen!

What this also means, is that, at the moment, I don't actually know if I have the bandwidth to introduce bonus shows here on Patreon, like what I did with Yumi's Cells 2.

It's entirely possible that this new schedule will require me to be a lot more focused in how I use my time, and that means fewer shows covered at the same time (therefore the likelihood of no bonus shows).

To make up for that, I'm thinking that instead of just making first episode notes available to the Foundation Tier, like what I've been doing so far, I'll make the first two sets of episode notes available to the Foundation Tier, going forward.

That would be E1 & E2 notes for kdramas, or E1-2 & E3-4 notes, for cdramas.

This will apply to new shows introduced on Patreon, but I won't be going back to change everything retrospectively, at least for now (because I need all the time I can get, to watch these episodes, and write about 'em 😅).

If I manage to make the second episode notes available at a later date, I'll make an announcement then. I hope that sounds ok to you guys.

Please feel free to give me feedback on how this is working for you, as I embark on this experiment. I'm always interested to know what you guys think!

Last but not least, thanks so much, for being here, you guys. 🥰

KFG ❤️



I've been through burnout at work and it is very very dark. Emotional exhaustion, numbness, not caring a fig whether you do a good job, just as long as you don't get scolded, hating myself for procrastinating... I don't want you to become jaded or burnt out over this thing we all love - the dramas! Of course, if you can find a quick way to dash off your thoughts, eg write half length episode notes so as to keep to this experimental schedule, possibly, but if your conscience and standards will not let you do things by halves, so be it, and focus on a smaller set of shows!


But it sounds like you're increasing your workload and stress. 😩 Allow me to suggest what I did quite some time ago regarding the group watches - post only the episode # and let the group voice their thoughts. What we (I think) really love from you are your in-depth break down reviews of the entire show.