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E13. What. A. Rollercoaster. this episode turned out to be.

That's the thing with this show. It could literally go in any direction, and it would still make narrative sense; it dances to its own rhythm and doesn't care about kdrama tradition. I'm a helpless passenger on this ride, my heart holding on for dear life.

For a start, I was thrilled to start the episode with Yumi and Babi getting engaged. Like I said before, I am very much on board with this as an expression of commitment between them, because it says "I choose you" in such a definite way.

And so, it made me really happy to see both Yumi and Babi look happy about it, and be loving and content in their conversations with each other, with a positive hope for their future together.

The way Yumi won over Babi's reticent dad with her love for tteokbokki is very endearing as well, because the moment Dad softened towards her, was when she was just being herself, eating his tteokbokki deliciously and delightedly.

The fact that Babi's dad, who's generally so reserved, not only with his words, but with his gestures of affection, proactively goes after Yumi to give her spending money, is a huge deal, because this is such a hallmark Korean way of elders demonstrating approval and affection for a younger person.

It feels really significant, that Dad would give Yumi spending money, when he's never done that even for his own son. (For the record, I'm sure Babi received an allowance as a kid; this spending money is a gesture of approval and affection, like I said.)

I'm glad that Yumi and Woong have that conversation over coffee, where Woong congratulates Yumi on her upcoming marriage, even though it really is the last thing he wants to do, as we see from his aggrieved Love cell's tearful rantings.

It feels healthy, and when Woong asks to be invited to the wedding, Yumi's answer, that she'd have to discuss it with Babi, feels healthy too. She's not presuming that Babi would be comfortable with it, and I like that she's so upfront about it with Woong.

When Woong tells Yumi that his biggest regret in life, is not being able to answer her when she'd suggested they get married, it feels really poignant, because of the could've beens..

But, it still feels healthy because I do think it's good that Woong's able to articulate it and tell Yumi about it, and release it from his heart, so to speak.

It's when Woong asks Yumi if she loves Babi, that I start to sniff the first signs of trouble - because Yumi's not able to answer definitively - because Love cell's still in exile. Aw mann.. 🥺

I love - like, really really love - all the scenes of Babi coming over to take care of Yumi while she's sick with a cold.

That really is so sweet, and I love how tender and gentle he is towards her, even climbing into bed to keep her company, not caring whether he might catch the bug from her.

Which is why my heart sank so hard, when Yumi sees the incoming call from Da Eun while Babi's out buying beer at the convenience store.

I'd actually thought that this would stir up all the hurt feelings that Yumi had felt, back when everything had first happened, and that that would be the undoing of all the progress that Yumi and Babi have made, in their relationship.

Instead, we fast forward to 8 months later, and find out, along with Woong, that Yumi and Babi have broken up.

NoOo~ 😩 Say it ain't so~!

I have to admit, I'm rather devastated to learn that the reason for their breakup, is not because Da Eun had called Babi, or that Babi still had Da Eun saved in his contact list, but because Yumi had felt nothing, even in the face of Da Eun calling.

Oof. That hurt.

Excuse me while I pick up the pieces of my Babi fangirl heart off the floor. 😭

Final review will be up on the main blog on Monday, 15 August 2022!



What a whirlwind!! I have to admit that I started reading the WEBTOON and was getting to this point in the story before this episode. Still, I wasn’t quite there, so it was a surprise. I just felt I had to because a while back you said that Babi was not the endgame of Yumi’s story and I was so set on Babi I felt I had to prepare myself. In the end the story prepared me. Trent, I don’t hate you. I agree. Like I said, I was team Babi for a long time. However, some of his recent choices have let me know he’s not the right guy for Yumi. I understand why in the end she felt nothing when Da Eun called. I also loved the beginning with Babi’s dad. Yumi’s complete honesty and openness in her love of his food won him over. He was so reasonable. From Babi’s perspective, I had thought he would be this awful person, but he wasn’t. This also made me wonder about Babi’s communication skills. He’s so talented with words and figuring people out but he didn’t understand his dad. Maybe he’s just got a blind spot where his dad is concerned like with when he started liking Yumi. (Can you tell it really bugs me that his brain cells would plot against each other to keep his consciousness from knowing this important detail?) Anyway!


Lois -- you will have to be our spy into the webtoon. I think I have seen from comments online that Yumi's "endgame" is supposed to be...uh, oops, I was about to blurt out what I guess is a spoiler. Um, anyway, really curious if they will do a season three, or if they will end Yumi's drama journey after season two.