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Hi everyone!

This is something new, but since Leslie suggested it and I thought it sounded like fun, let's give it a go? 

Basically, Leslie has a question for the community, about how everyone optimizes your drama viewing experience, and here are some breakdown questions, if that helps:

- What are your best tips for keeping characters and plot lines straight when viewing multiple shows?  

- Or, how do you pace your watch (i.e. what's your optimum # of episodes a week, per drama, that keeps you connected, but out of binge territory)?  

- Do you spreadsheet shows or take concurrent viewing notes?!! I'm so impressed by how many Patrons frequently make articulate comments and have been able to follow plot clues that I, for one, have missed.  

- How do you keep track of shows you've watched, would like to watch, or have dropped?  

- Do you have a rating system?  

- And, how do you keep track of Korean names? (Still a challenge after all these years. 😉)   

In other words, do fellow Patrons have a personal "secret sauce" for amping their enjoyment of dramas?

~ Leslie

Here are my own 2 cents*:

* Of course, I know that my 2 cents would be atypical, since I'm actually working on the blog full time. 😅

- I rely on my episode notes, which sit in my drafts folder on the main blog, for keeping my plot points straight, and where I am in each story.

- My optimum number of episodes a day varies, depending on whether I've got a review deadline coming up. Typically I do about 3-ish episodes a day, of whatever shows suit my posting schedule.

- I use Asianwiki or MyDramaList, to keep track of character names. I typically have about 10 tabs open at the same time, for easy reference, just in case I need to jog my memory for a particular show. 😁

- I use a combination of Excel spreadsheets and a normal to-do list, to keep track of everything, including shows watched, shows on my radar, shows dropped etc.

KFG ❤️



Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who mentioned My Drama List as a place to create lists of shows watched and shows I want to watch. Many times I've wished for an online place for my lists, and here it is! I'm having a wonderfully obsessive time populating my lists!


The Secret Sauce I had some fun with this question, Leslie. Here is the secret sauce, it’s spot on as it turns out: S elect what appeals to me: romance, politics, costume, sci-fi (except TKEM), fantasy, family A rrange optimal viewing time U tilise The Verdict, The Cat That Watches TV, MDL and AsiaWiki to source and track shows C ull shows that have gone off the boil ie drop them E njoy the encounter with other viewers 😊 Best Tips for Keeping Characters and Plot Lines Straight I have no real tip here as I can watch and read vast amounts of material and recall who has done what. Pacing My Watch MDL tells me that my average episodes per week is 32. So, it can be 2-5 episodes M-F and the balance on the weekends. The advantage I have sometimes is the result of working a long way from home, often in remote locations, so if there is nothing else happening on the weekends, I will settle in and watch what I need to watch. I used to watch 32 shows, but I try to keep it to 16. I may binge a show occasionally, but I will watch one or two episodes at a time, then move on to the next one. Kfangurl’s Patreon page does help in this regard as I get to ease the accelerator on some shows. Tracking Shows and Korean Names MDL is fabulous in this regard. Unlike others, I do read the comments, make comments and I have been burnt by savage responses three times and survived 😂🤣😂 With other shows from around the World, I used to use a spreadsheet, but I’m happy just using likes etc now as all platforms have a viewing algorithm to improve your viewing experience (not always accurate though). My viewing notes on MDL aren’t all that helpful as they tend to reflect my enjoyment per episode. However, because Kfangurl provides such good commentary I can track and make some insightful comments that way (well sometimes - lol 😂). Then there is Rita, Jennifer, Trent, Beez, Kay and Kfangurl who are forever making suggestions re shows to watch. In terms of tracking names, I don’t seem to have problems with this. I can generally pick up when a name is spoken, which has been very helpful understanding how vocabulary is used and with how things are pronounced. Rating System My rating system is out of 10. I apply it to each genre though, so a 10 for a romance is not the same as a 10 for a political thriller - I will be much harder in how I score the latter. When scoring, I start at 10 and deduct points accordingly. So, I have many 10s. A show rated a 7 by me, would probably be rated 5 or less by others. I do have a number of 5s too - so, they are really, really bad 😱 What’s Next I have promised a post re how I bend space and time to watch what I watch. It’s been well underway for some time. I am taking great care with it 😊😊😊


SAUCE - perfect. Wow, a relative rating system. Never thought of that. And, yes, patrons are a never-ending source of new drama suggestions. A big benefit of this community. I've returned to normal breathing patterns now, Sean. 😉


Cathy - I am phl1rxd over there - send me a friend request!