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Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your patience with the various technical issues on the site. The good news is, it should all be resolved now!

Here's what I mean:

1. Shahz's post should be loading fine now, you can check it out here

If you still have trouble loading it, try clearing your browser cache before refreshing the page.

If that still doesn't work, please give it a bit of time. The reason is in the next point.

2. Other site loading problems should not happen again, going forward. 

I know that quite a few of you have been struggling with site loading speeds for a while, I'm so sorry about that.

That was caused by complications arising from integrating the site with Ezoic, which I had done for ad revenue purposes.

I'm not saying Ezoic is bad, for the record. I just think it's not a great fit for my site. 

And so, I have now left Ezoic, and while some of the remaining exit steps are still in process, this means that my site should now be loading better and faster than when it was redirecting through Ezoic proxy servers.

However, the switchover of name servers can take up to 72 hours to propagate across the internet. So if Shahz's post or any other page on the site isn't loading properly for you right now despite clearing your browser cache, it should resolve itself within 72 hours.

3. It's time to nurse the site back to health.

In the time that my site was integrated with Ezoic, we encountered site slowdowns and loading problems, and this has resulted in a drop in the site's search engine rankings, and therefore, traffic to the site. 😭

I do plan to look for another ad parter to replace Ezoic, but I do think it would be helpful to nurse the site back to health first.

Currently you will still see ads on the site. Those are by my other ad partner, Valueimpression. So I won't have zero ad revenue despite having left Ezoic. 

Ezoic accounted for about 40% of my ad revenue, but after months of trying to resolve things without a lot of success, I've decided that it's more important to have the site healthy and working well.

I'll keep you guys updated!

Thanks so much for your patience and your support!

KFG ❤️

UPDATE: 9 Mar, 10pm

You guys, I'm excited! 

I found a tech specialist on Upwork who's confident of solving my site loading issues in 3 days, for the very reasonable fee of US$99!

That's a super reasonable rate, and he's got amazing ratings and reviews, and he's already working on the site, as I type this. I mean, the minute I paid the fee on Upwork (Upwork holds the payment until I'm satisfied with the end result, then Upwork releases the payment to him), he was the one chasing me for login credentials, so that he could start work. I like how fast and focused he is already. 

Mostly, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am so thrilled to have a tech specialist working on this, as I was admittedly feeling quite overwhelmed at the terrible site loading speed.

Once the site loading speeds are fixed, it will go a long way towards improving the site's search engine rankings, given some time. 

Ahhh! Can you tell that I'm excited?? 🤗🤗🤗

KFG ❤️

UPDATE 2: 9 Mar, 10:30pm

The tech specialist informed me that as he does his thing, the site might have design issues crop up, as he's removing all kinds of code as he goes. If it happens, I'm to send him a screenshot of what's happening, so that he can fix it.

If you guys notice anything wonky with how the site looks in the next day or so, could you please take a screenshot and send it to me? I'll keep an eye out too, but I just figured that more eyes makes more sense. 😁

Thanks, y'all!! ❤️❤️

UPDATE: 13 Mar, 3:47pm

It looks like everything's in good order, you guys!

The blog's doing well on Page Speed tests, and that has remained stable for the past 2 days, so I'm hopeful that this means it's all good from here on out.

We did have some wonkiness in terms of fonts on the blog not showing right on some devices and browsers, but that appears to be all ironed out as of this morning.

If everything stays stable and doesn't go wonky again on its own, I'd say that the site speed intervention is complete! 

YAY!! I hope you guys are enjoying the much improved site loading speed!

KFG ❤️



I love how you assure us that the money is held until you're satisfied with the work. You must have other members here like me who pester you and are concerned for you. I ❤ the people here too! 😁


Tee hee. I absolutely love everyone here! 🥰❤️ And yes, I knew that if I didn't specify that Upwork protects my payment, that at least a few of you would be concerned that I might be getting scammed. 😅 The tech specialist is amazing - the mobile loading speed which used to perform in the 30% range on page speed tests, is now performing at 100%!!! 🤩🤩 The next time you load the site on your phone, it should be a breeze! ❤️


Kfangurl re the latest update - seems good my end 😊