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E9. One of the things I really like about this show, is how it keeps on moving forward, at all times. I never feel like Show is spinning it wheels, and trying to buy time. It always feels like Show is bold to take the story forward, and I really enjoy that.

I decided long ago that examining the details too closely, in this show, detracts from my enjoyment of it, because those details don't even feel that consequential, compared to the enjoyment I get out of my watch.

As the situation becomes more urgent, and food and other supplies run low, the residents of Seyang Forest show more of their less pleasant sides, and it's still fascinating to me, to watch.

The way Building Representative Ahjumma manages to turn Jung Kook and everyone else against Sae Bom, while claiming that Sae Bom is infected, is not unexpected, but still saddening to watch. I mean, not so long ago, most of them had been looking to Sae Bom for leadership and guidance. Plus, Jung Kook himself knows Sae Bom, and has even been living under her roof.

The way so many of the residents demand that Hyun and Sae Bom share their supplies, because their own supplies are running low, and then scheme behind their backs to get them out of the building, feels callous as well.

Truly, human beings can be quite terrible, when their own wellbeing is at stake, eh? I find it thought-provoking, because while it's easy to be judgey from behind my screen, I honestly can't be sure that I'd do much better than any of these people, if I were in the same situation.

I am so very curious to know more about Andrew. I'd always thought on him as someone who'd be happy to stay on the sidelines, but he really steps up this episode. Not only does he inform Sae Bom, when he realizes that everyone else is planning to remove her and Hyun from the building, he also cuts his own arm, when Hyun asks for a volunteer to give a blood sample, to test for the zombie virus.

I thought it was a pretty great twist, to have Minimart Girl and Fake Reverend turn out to be infected. When Hyun was doing the testing, I'd kind of assumed that it wouldn't turn up any results.

Honestly, with the various scenes of Fake Reverend being drawn to blood, Show had me yelling at my screen, because I was so grossed out by the idea of him licking blood off the floor or off the wall. Ack. 😝

I did feel a flash of gratification, though, when Building Representative Ahjumma screeeamed at the realization that her husband was infected. 😅 After all that she's done to get rid of those who are infected, it just felt satisfying to know that things had to look very different for her, very suddenly.

However, I didn't think Fake Reverend deserved to die. Doctor-murderer really is awful, the way he basically baits Fake Reverend, so that Fake Reverend would fall over the balcony, to his death. I am horrified by the way Doctor-murderer actually looks so gleeful, at successfully getting rid of Fake Reverend. 😱

I love the way Show consistently remembers to give us some time with Hyun and Sae Bom, where we get to see how much they care about each other, and how hyperaware Hyun is, of Sae Bom.

The moments tend to be rather brief, but the little details and nuances, like Hyun's expression when Sae Bom touches his forehead to check his temperature, or like how Sae Bom holds his hand in hers, and runs her fingers comfortingly on his hand, just a little bit, make those moments pop so much, that the moments feel satisfying, despite their short length.

Also, I think it's clever of Show to keep us hungry, in a manner of speaking. Show never gives us too much, and we're always left wanting more, and that's good, isn't it, that we want more of Show?

This episode, I'm struck by how Hyun doesn't even hesitate to cut his own palm, so that Sae Bom won't have to cut hers. Augh. I feel like he would literally put his own life on the line for her, if necessary; he cares about her that much.

And in return, Sae Bom gets upset with him, for actually stepping in and hurting himself like that.

I love that moment when Sae Bom dressed his wound for him, because that's when we see Sae Bom's care for Hyun come through most overtly. The gentle way that she handles his hand, and the way she says that she won't be able to eat dinner, feel like a Huge Deal. I mean, Sae Bom's usually obsessed with food! This means that Hyun's more important to her than food, which is saying A LOT, when it comes to Sae Bom. Eee!

I just really like the way both Hyun and Sae Bom talk so easily, about how they can't stand to see the other person get hurt, or persecuted. And then there's how he looks at her, while she blows on his wound. That is a Look, loaded with feelings and thoughts, and I love it.

And then there's how, later, when Sae Bom's dressing his wound for the second time (because he slashed himself as second time, to save Sae Bom a second time - swoon ❤️), he takes Sae Bom hand really gently, and tells her that what happened to Fake Reverend isn't their fault. Aw. Sweet, gentle, thoughtful Hyun. 😍

I also LOVE Hyun's reaction, when Sae Bom touches his forehead a second time, to check his temperature. The way his eyes dart around, I feel like he's totally reacting from a hyperawareness standpoint. 😁

And then there's how Hyun's always so overprotective of Sae Bom, when it comes to her interacting from the guy from the 15th floor. The way he eagerly offers his T-shirt, presumably so that they can give him that instead of Sae Bom's FBI T-shirt, is so cute.

I also love-love-LOVE how patient, gentle and loving Hyun is, this episode, not only to Sae Bom, but to Jung Kook as well. Even when Sae Bom's all riled up, Hyun remains steady and calm, and even when Sae Bom's hopping mad about Jung Kook's betrayal, Hyun treats Jung Kook with kindness and understanding. I love that. I love him.

I love how he tells Seo Yoon that the others aren't bad people, that they're just scared. I know I always talk about lens adjustments, but I freaking love Hyun's lens adjustment around this! ❤️

There's so much to love about Hyun this episode, that it hits extra hard, when Show reveals that he'd been scratched while fighting off Fake Reverend's zombie attack, and the wound is starting to change color. Nooooo!!! Not Hyun!! 😭😭😭

I rationalize that Sae Bom's antibodies will be able to save him, but I still can't help worrying for him. 😱

As for LTC Han, I'm morbidly fascinated by his situation. He's now faked Chairman Choi's death, while continuing to use Chairman Choi as a lab rat, so it definitely feels like the power dynamics have changed.

Previously, Han had talked about how, if Chairman Choi and his ilk knew about the potential in Sae Bom's blood, they'd use their power and money to suck her dry, literally, for their own survival. And now, Han has confirmation that Sae Bom has antibodies, AND, he's running out of time to save his wife and baby. Will he use Sae Bom's blood for his own gain, then?

Next episode notes will be out on: Sunday, 30 Jan 2022!



I think this is a question I have asked before: does anyone have a clue why this whole pandemic is being handled exclusively by an ex military who gets orders by some Chairman. Where is the government?


I also love Hyun! Who wouldn’t? Except Doc Murderer.