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E6. To be honest, I found my interest waning slightly this episode; that is, until Show does a quick turn into the idea of Ho Yoon and Che Kyung living in the same apartment. Ha. With one fell swoop, I'm fully invested again. I am a sucker for feelings growing from cohabitation-induced forced proximity, whether it's a contract marriage situation, or, as in this case, a writer in need of an assistant situation.

I wasn't super into the scenes where Ho Yoon, Myung and Samshin puzzle over Ho Yoon's heart acting up over Che Kyung, because it doesn't feel very solid, to my eyes. It sounds more like petty and inconsequential squabbling, sometimes, and yet, there's this big potential consequence, of Ho Yoon possibly getting eliminated, casting a shadow over everything. This doesn't mesh very well, I feel.

Additionally, I do think that our cast's relatively smaller acting range (when compared with much more experienced actors) creates a ceiling for how much emotional impact this struggle and conflict, that is hidden under the bickering, is able to land with.

However, I was suitably tickled by Samshin getting all shy and starry-eyed around the boy who "rescues" her from Ho Yoon and Myung, thinking that the two of them are bullying a young girl. Samshin may be hundreds of years old, but she sure has the heart of an adolescent, heh.

There are amped up stakes, now that we know that Ho Yoon developing feelings for Che Kyung isn't just a simple case of melty romance. He could literally be eliminated as a god of destiny, and if what we're shown this episode is anything to go by, this means that he.. kind of dies? There was that white chrysanthemum and what appear to be prayer beads placed on the table for the other god of destiny who'd gotten emotionally invested in one of his humans, and had gotten eliminated as a result.

This definitely adds a dimension of angst to our story, because even though it might be cute that Ho Yoon's developing feelings for Che Kyung against his own will, it's a lot more alarming to think that he's risking his life, in doing so. What's interesting to me, is that Ho Yoon can't seem to help himself. He knowsthat getting involved with Che Kyung, emotionally and otherwise, is equivalent to putting his life at risk. And yet, he doesn't say no, when Mom asks him to be Che Kyung's assistant writer. That's quite curious, to me.

I want to know if Ho Yoon is literally incapable of going against his heart, even though his brain knows the consequences?

I'm curious to know more about Che Kyung's past, and why she changed her name, particularly because now we see that Myung, as her previous god of destiny, seems to carry some kind of baggage around this.

Also, I'm late to notice this, but Ho Yoon's giving me more and more Gong Yoo vibes, the more I watch him. Clearly, Ho Yoon is styled after Gong Yoo's Goblin character, down to the hairstyle and long coats that Ho Yoon favors. On top of that, though, there's something about Ki Do Hoon that actually does remind me of Gong Yoo himself, in Goblin. There's something quite.. endearing, about that idea. It almost feels like a younger brother earnestly working to follow in his hyung's footsteps.

Plus, I'm definitely enjoying this story more than I'd enjoyed the story of Goblin, seeing as how I'm still watching this, whereas I'd wandered off from Goblin at just over the halfway mark. I know that's not quite an apples to apples comparison, since this is a shorter story with a much smaller budget. For what it is, though, Show is very good. I like this more, for how much of an easier and more entertaining watch this is turning out to be, for me personally.


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