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Hello, my dear FreshMen!

 Stopping by to update you on our progress, and share a bit more of our processes with you!

First off, I noticed that a lot of you were asking about the next sex scenes in the comments, so I want to talk about our planned scenes for the next episodes.

As you know, our sex scenes are decided through polls, and the polls led us to this planning:

For FreshWomen:

  • Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1: Lily

  • Season 2 Episode 3 Part 2: Devilla

  • Season 2 Episode 3 Part 3: Susan

  • Season 2 Episode 4 Part 1: Sue

  • Season 2 Episode 4 Part 2: Professor Watson

  • Season 2 Episode 4 Part 3: Threesome with Chloe and Julia

I’m personally very excited for Susan’s scene. She’s one of my favorite characters, it'll be her first sex scene, and it'll will be extra spicy, if you know what I mean! The threesome will be a banger too!

Now, for Forbidden Fantasy:

  • Chapter 3: Zhara

  • Chapter 4: Threesome with Zhara and Arlian

A lot of cool scenes are coming in the next months, and we’re geared up to pump them full of animations!

Speaking of animations, a few of you asked me about Motion Capture. We've been developing systems to use Motion Capture since November, and already started using it on FreshWomen Season 2 Episode 3 and Forbidden Fantasy Chapter 3.

I made a small video outlining a few of our pipeline steps (you can watch it at Oppaiman.com), and, basically, it works like this:

  • 1 - Capture: we capture all the animations that will be on the scene with the Rokoko Suit Pro II, according to our scripts and storyboards.

  • 2 - Clean Up: Although the Rokoko Suit Pro II is an amazing piece of tech, a bit of clean up is necessary. This step is essential to get rid of flickering hands, weird neck movement, feet movement, and any other movements that went awry during capture.

  • 3 - Secondary Animation: here is where we modify the captured animation so that it fits our scene perfectly. We adjust the spine, hands, head movement, increment breast movement, and exaggerate anticipation and follow through to make it more impactful. This is possible through Animation Layers and Non-Linear Animation techniques, so we can have a non-destructive pipeline. We also animate things that weren’t captured, such as hair, facial movement (as we don’t have the tech needed to do Facial Capture yet), and, sometimes, other characters (in the case, MC).

  • 4 - Assemble: After these steps, we can assemble our scene. Put props, environment, and other objects necessary for the scene.

  • 5 - Preview and Polish: At this stage, we render a preview. A preview is a lower fps and lower quality version of the animation, so we can render it fast, test in game and look for improvements. It's the same version of the animation you guys get on Discord at the Sexy-Videos channels. The corrections on this stage usually have to do with facial animation, clippings and other small things.

  • 6 - Lighting and Final Render: On the last stage, we make sure lighting is as perfect as can be, and no corrections remain. After that, we send it to Final Render, and 6–12 hours later, we’ve got a final animation ready to be put into the game.

We’re very excited about Motion Capture, and believe that it will make our animators work better and faster, so we can deliver updates more frequently.

We’re working full steam on Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1, and here’s where we are so far:

We decided to expand this part, so, instead of the original 6 scenes, you’ll get 9. This means a longer update, with 400+ renders.

Our progress in these scenes is:

  • Blocking: 5 scenes are blocked, 2 scenes are ongoing, and 2 have not yet started;

  • Lighting: 3 scenes in progress, 2 can start, and 4 have not yet started;

  • Facial Expression: 2 scenes in progress, 0 can start, 7 have not yet started;

  • After these steps, these scenes will go through these stages: Cloth Simulation and Polish

  • Animations: 3 animations in progress, on stage 3 - Secondary Animation;

  • Characters, Script and Storyboards are done!

  • Voice Acting is done, except for Lily’s now extended sex scene.

A few of our renders won’t have to go through Cloth Simulation, which means this week we got our first final renders of Season 2 Episode 3 Part 1! Lily looks stunning, and I’ll share a few sneak peeks with you next week!

As always, thank you so much for your support! It’s what keeps us going!

See you soon,




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