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Hey everyone -- text posts aren't typical for me so I'll preface it by saying everything's good/this isn't a bad news thing.  I'm in a bit of a bind in terms of deciding where to steer the direction of this Patreon page though.  As you guys are seeing, I'm trying to juggle comics, exclusive pages, poll pictures, raffle sketches (gonna roll on that later) and really just put out a lot of work that I like/am confident you guys and potential new people would like.  I don't think I'm good at writing, so I'll go ahead and outline where my concern(s) comes in:

1.  I want to do projects around the usual OCs/futa stuff

2.  Not everyone's into the futa/OC stuff I do, so I feel I need to diversify to make something for those people

3.  But I don't want to deviate too much from the expectations of current patrons

4.  But I don't want to trap myself (lulz) into too much of a niche where I'm discouraged from expanding/exploring other interests and options, especially since I would like to broaden my horizons a bit lately

I also just haven't really experimented much with the Patreon model beyond what I've set up here.  I guess basically I'm wondering if in addition to this page, if it would be a good move to have another Patreon page that's more in service of non-futa kinds of artwork.    It wouldn't really mess with the operation of things here -- actually it might be less pressure to scramble on outputting things if I don't have to worry about hitting all the checkmarks with every possible kink.  I also would have the pricing method for that one be on a non-paywalled "per upload/completed works" campaign, since this main Patreon here would still be the hub of frequent updates for what you're used to from me.  And yeah, since this prospective other Patreon wouldn't be paywalled in any way, it would just be supplemental art for you all (or maybe the kind of stuff you'd already want to be seeing from me)

tl; dr, I think it might be time to add another Patreon campaign and I'm curious how you'd feel about that -- especially if you'd consider yourself someone who isn't a fan of futa but are into what I do



Maybe a poll would help you assess what portion of your Patreon backers aren't into futa?


Might do that, thought about doing that first but wanted to go ahead and lay out my thought process behind it


I'm a patron here because I like the type of content you're already producing. As such, I'm worried that another patreon campaign would cannibalize some of the time you're otherwise spending on commissions and/or poll pages for the existing patrons. You gotta do what's right for you, whether that means less futa/OC content or not, but I'd be remiss if I didn't say I am all in favor of the Sadie comic, the Gisa comic and if I had any say in it, a Cassie comic, almost to the exclusion of other stuff.


Oh for sure, and all those comics are still underway and hopefully coming out even more often. I'm actually wanting to put more time into Patreon stuff, especially in months where commissions might be lagging.


I started following your stuff a long time ago, way back when you posted just about exclusively on newgrounds, I think. I'll admit, there's a *small* percentage of your stuff I'm not into. Feet doesn't super do it for me. But I don't care too much, because there's a large enough percentage of the rest of your work I absolutely love. I don't think most of us content consumers ever expect an artist to produce only 100% of what we want exactly 100% of the time. That would be completely unreasonable, especially since we aren't exactly singlehandedly paying for your kid's college, or anything.


Admittedly, I'm in the opposite boat. I'm not really into the futa stuff, but *really* come here for the feet stuff, especially the fanart feet stuff. But while I might suggest a break down between OC and fanart or Futa and non-Futa... I'd worry that might polarize the pages and leave one vastly under trafficked or otherwise too sparse. Maybe consider splitting a patreon out for exclusively the upcoming OC comics? Since those seem to be sort of their own "brand name", so to speak? And leave this one for the eclectic extra and other bits. Unless you're gonna make a patreon just for feet stuff xD I'd back that one in a heartbeat.


I'd say maybe try and strike a balance of what you want to do with your art and maybe a bit of patron request/commission stuff. Your style is a good 90% of the draw , what with your emphasis on detail and proportions, which in turn is part of what makes your kink emphasis on futa and feet develop so well.


I love your futa stuff but not a fan of the feet stuff. But I understand everyone has their own thing. I think it would be comforting to know when I click on the page I get stuff I like. So I would agree with having a second page so everyone gets what they want, where they want it.

Phillip Brierley

I'm here for the goblins. Feet optional.