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first of all i wanna thank you all for your patience with me. things have not been easy (when are they ever?) and the stress of not being able to create as much as i would want weighs me down in addition to all the other stuff.

I feel like since the death of my dog Armas last year, he took some part of me with him, and i still haven't recovered from that. it's been soon a year since his death, and it still keeps me up at nights, and it's been hard to keep up with anything at all since it happened (the state of my apartment is an absolute disaster) but.. i'm doing what i can, whenever i can.

in addition to that, my therapist of over 5 years died this spring. i feel even more isolated than ever, and haven't had any help with my mental health issues since her death. i'm currently waiting for another therapist to have free appointments.. it's been difficult.

(and in addition to that, my family keeps inventing new ways to make a mess of things, which often involves the whole family being stressed out. it's all private stuff, but sometimes it feels like i'm stuck in a soap opera with some of the shit they pull)

anyway, that all said.. i wanna keep creating. it's just been hard to keep up with the standards i've put up for myself, and i feel constantly guilty for not being able to do so. i really need to lower my standards so i could get rid of the guilt, cause it's not really doing anything useful!!! stupid how brains work.

anyway.. thank you so much to everyone who supports me, has ever supported me or plans on supporting me.. it really means the world to me! and thank you for your patience and understanding, especially when my uploading times are haphazard 💦 i will keep doing my best!!! life can keep punching me in the nuts, but i'll keep trucking anyway!!!

thanks for reading this mess!!! 

and while you're here, look at this:

i made a little pixel ponyta :3


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