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when you wanna draw sad things but dont wanna make the canon sad, make SAD AUS!!!! terrible.

EDIT: OK So because of the comments, i wanna talk about the AUs a little:

CONTENT WARNING: death mention 


1. cuvier breakdown AU: we were talking about scenarios that would leave cuvier kind of a wreck. it's hard to kick him down, but the easiest method is: him losing all his material worth and going bankrupt. he'd feel like a failure and be ashamed and get social anxiety from the shame of it all. he'd also likely fall to using more alcohol, smoking, and just.. withdrawing to be alone. it wouldn't take him that long to recover (we talked about like.. maybe a year or so) and he'd get up stronger, learn from his mistakes and build himself back up! fordic would ofc be there during it all, supporting him (though it would be hard on fordic, but he would never consider himself alone because he would get a ton of support from his friends and parents)

2. fordic breakdown AU: how to break fordic is.. to make him feel like he did something terrible. and the "best" (WORST) we could think of was, a situation where he'd feel responsible for the death of their children. so scenario we talked about was, a terrible flood and he would be alone with the kids, trying to save them both, but because he's unwilling to leave either one behind, or save them one by one, he'd end up washed away and he himself gets saved but both the kids drown. the key point would be, that if he'd choose one child, he'd be able to save them (but the other one likely wouldn't have made it) and he doesn't want to make that decision. he'd feel terrible for losing both their children, and blame himself, and just absolutely lose any ability to function for a long time.
tho bittersweet ending is that as he recovers, he builds basically a shrine for their kids, and if they have a child again, he'd introduce their lost siblings to them and keep liling and artemus in their lives forever.

3. NUPTUS CREEPY STALKER MURDERER AU he kills people around pallas to keep pallas for himself, that's. pretty straight forwardly it HFGJGHJDFHG



Ash A

Okay so I for a while was wondering what Cuvier would look like upset or like extremely happy but that shattered my heart omg


These aus are SO dark! And sad!! But the story behind each is so good but omg no I’m more sad!! I wanna hug fordic in that one au and Cuvier!!😭❤️