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makes fart noises

well ok actually more fitting: makes wet slappy noises emULATING CUVIER'S HIPS HITTING AGAINST FORDIC'S BUTT ok bye



ogamagirl (Erin)

Tummy bump....<3 SERIOUSLY THO I'm constantly in awe of the way you draw bodies interacting...all the curves and folds and everything, it's always so good.


THAnkyouuu i really love skinfolds and wrinkles and how bodies wrinkle up when bending..! like the other side is this smooth curve and the other is a bunch of folds wrinkles and bumps, the body basically collapsing on itself to allow bending...(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡ (like especially torso, how the hipbone and ribcage interact is my fave thing!!!!!) sO IM GLAD V V GLAD thank uuuu ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ


Hnngh Erin beat me to it but yes. YES. Your anatomy is always so A+ fantastic.