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Mannnn, I went through the same but with my shoulder. That stretching shit literally stops whole ass injuries, it's crazy. Stretching just be soo boring it's hard to take it serious but of you want to, try some resistance stretching for warm-ups an static stretching post workout. Definitely makes it more engaging. I've been leaving 30 to 45min on just stretching ever since, can't take anymore chances. That down time feels like torture an the need to say fuck it an lift when you should be recovering is maddening 😫


Facts on facts! This is exactly how I feel lol stretching is HELLA boring and felt like such a waste of time but I learned the hard way, it's a must. I've been stretching 30 min per day for the past week and I feel so much better, so definitely making sure I keep it in my routine. Sucks we had to get injured to take it seriously, but it is what it is 😂 I'm glad we're doing it now. I'll look into some resistance stretches, thanks for the tip!

Tom Clarke

Your skin is SKINNING