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Halle Bailey Live Performance "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" - Disney World 50


Bring It!

I'm here from the Empressive Video 😂. Hey Dee!!! She fucked it up!!

Devron Love

Yeah, she did that! Oh yeah, she can sang, they both can but her tone is so bright and pure it’s perfect for Disney frfr! Glad you enjoyed it! I think she was singing live btw. Fun fact: I performed on that exact stage years and years ago when I was in high school 😁. I can sang a lil summin summin myself 😏

Hey It's Cee

Right she really did that. Yesterday I almost commented react to this on Patreon. Her voice was more than suitable for a Disney Princess. Can’t wait to hear her on the soundtrack and the movie.

Hey It's Cee

Dee you’re not tripping, the style/type of songs her and Chloe sang didn’t really require them to be as operatic. For stylistic purposes, of course but at least you were able to get a taste of just how powerful their voices are when stylistic choices are lessened and classical (vocal) training takes over.

Devron Love

Oh, I apologize in advance but this comment low key triggered me (not in a serious or bad way 😂) But I’m curious if you’re a singer or have studied music. People who are classically trained tend to have the opinion you do or seem to in your comment. Adding stylistic choices or more of a pop style doesn’t deter people from having a powerful voice or technique, a vocalist is a vocalist no matter what style their choosing to sing in. I would also say this isn’t an operatic style at all but more Broadway, which is closer to pop than opera. They have quite a few songs that showcase range, tone, registers, vibrato etc that they still use stylistic choices on that aren’t operatic or more Broadway and they sound amazing. Just my little two cents 😆

Devron Love

Thank you! I was in a song and dance troupe in HS and we led the ‘America Sings’ performance at Disney World that year, such a great experience.

Hey It's Cee

All love my brother, and yes I sing a little, and, I’m actively studying music. I apologize if my comment rubbed you the wrong way. My comment above wasn’t to say that they couldn’t have or didn’t possess a powerful voice, it was more so that the songs that they had sung that Dee had reacted to weren’t showcasing how those aspects as much, or at least to my knowledge. They have amazing voices. I haven’t really listened to their full albums. My knowledge of the singing abilities of this duo are from watching Dee’s reactions, so I’m lacking a lot in the knowledge department about what they can do. Maybe you’re right. The reason why I said it was more classical and operatic were due to the way she projected, her use of vibrato, while still having the smooth resonance and metallic (clear as a bell, Whitney Houston like) tone. Her stylistic choice of singing was still integrated into the song but to me, it seemed as if she was more technical (in terms of classical singing) in this performance. Of course, this is just my opinion and it’s all just speculation.


Heyy Jessie! But yes, she killed it. First time I'm hearing her sing like this!


Yeah seeing her sing this powerful was super dope and unexpected. I know absolutely nothing about singing and ranges though so yall speaking another language lmao but cool to know you sing too, Cee :)


Hey Casey, you're new so I'll give you a pass. But please express your opinions here respectfully without attacking people for theirs. You don't know anyone here so making negative assumptions about their character is ridiculous and unnecessary. Even though he disagreed, he was courteous with his comment...no one came across "salty", so I'm confused. This is a really chill and polite community, and I make sure to keep it that way by blocking people (without refund) who are unnecessarily rude. So chill out

Devron Love

Hey now! That’s what’s up Cee! I was hoping you sung or was studying music based on your comment. My comment wasn’t in any negative or demeaning way that’s why I opened with saying I wasn’t really triggered in any type of serious way, but Casey seems to think I was pressed or something chile idk 😂 but it’s all good. My sense of humor doesn’t reach well online all the time but hey that’s life. But the points I was trying make were more about technique. Now this is me being a lil extra since I was tried (again my sense of humor) but I wasn’t classically trained but classically trained singers often think I am so howboutthat aye aye aye, 😂 but seriously the styles in which we choose to sing are all based on technique. Like you said singing in a more open, resonant way is one technique and singing in a more hollowed, dark but also resonant way is a different technique. One of those is more common in Broadway/pop and one in operatic classical music. Basically I’m just saying that it’s just a different set of skills and technique to sing in stylistic ways that differ from the classical sound, that’s all. Technique is just how you produce the sound, is it healthy based on the techniques you’re using or is it unhealthy based on the techniques you’re using? So saying like this was a more technical performance doesn’t really make much sense, since ALL singing is technical just good/healthy technique or bad/unhealthy technique. Sorry for the book, but chile singing is one thing I know a bit about.


Dangit I missed the drama 🤣 guess the casey person deleted their comment. GS for keepin this space positive dee!!

Hey It's Cee

Yeah, I started out in church, auditioned for chorale, surprisingly got in during my senior year of high school, and I've done some choir at my college. But glad to be here and proud to represent the music nation anytime and to see others here too, LOL.

Hey It's Cee

I just got home from work and returned to a hurricane. What in the world happened 🤣? Casey, you're new here but definitely try to, per your words, "express yourself in a way that's not demeaning to others". We're glad to have you here but please be respectful like Dee said. It's all love though Devron, book writers, and book readers are all accepted here 😂. Jokes aside, I guess "technical" was a bad choice of words. For the record, I didn't feel any harshness or malice in your comment. I think this was a bad case of misunderstanding on Casey's end. I wasn't brought up in a classically trained environment when I started either. My default/base training is Gospel. Over the years (AKA 2019-Present) I've started gaining an appreciation for it from my senior year of high school. To me, Gospel is like Opera but with some soul LOL. I think by technical I mean her approach to the song? I say that with a question mark because my thought while writing this before I got from work must've been that I was viewing/analyzing this rendition from a technical perspective. Sorry, I can leave a lot open to interpretation at times. I think I was noticing more of those open moments, especially with the sustained notes, her blocking (movement and expression) on stage, and how she reached those notes (belting, dynamics, registers, etc.).

Devron Love

Haha it’s okay Cee, I mean Casey did come for me a lil bit, but I wasn’t sweating it. As long as you knew that I wasn’t being mean or harsh or any such that’s cool. And that’s cool, I started singing in church as well…uhm back as a kid in the 90’s 🤦🏿‍♂️ I’m old (31) 😂 but yeah. I got a little bit of training when I joined the show choir/song and dance troupe in high school I mentioned earlier, but that wasn’t really formal training so yeah. Ah yeah, her approach to this was different then how she sings with Chloe since there aren’t any harmonies and the style itself is different. But yeah she can really sing, you should check out more of their songs, they have a pretty good variety and range of songs and genres, and their covers as well. You can get more of how they both approach different style and the different techniques they use. They are definitely talented women for sure! I’m such a fan~ 😁

Chim Cham (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-25 16:27:32 I was going to request this as well lol so thank you to whoever did. She has such a classical voice. Chloe's voice is more soulful/R&B whilst Halle's is more jazzy/classical (to me) and it makes sense as one of her biggest inspirations is Billie Holiday. I am not a singer so i described the differences in their tones the best way i can lol
2021-10-09 12:41:01 I was going to request this as well lol so thank you to whoever did. She has such a classical voice. Chloe's voice is more soulful/R&B whilst Halle's is more jazzy/classical (to me) and it makes sense as one of her biggest inspirations is Billie Holiday. I am not a singer so i described the differences in their tones the best way i can lol

I was going to request this as well lol so thank you to whoever did. She has such a classical voice. Chloe's voice is more soulful/R&B whilst Halle's is more jazzy/classical (to me) and it makes sense as one of her biggest inspirations is Billie Holiday. I am not a singer so i described the differences in their tones the best way i can lol

Hey It's Cee

Yeah, what Casey said was definitely uncalled for. I wouldn't;t take anything she said to heart honestly, she's new so I could see where the confusion could come to play, but she didn't have to attempt to defame your character like that. 31 is older (than me, I'm 21), but not old to me. LOL. The sisters are phenomenal. Have any recommendations as to what I should check out?

Ryan Haile

So when’s the Dee Shanell talent show happening?

Devron Love

I mean I figured she just didn’t get my humor and misunderstood, it’s cool. I hope we didn’t scare her off 😆 Oh yeah, 31 isn’t old…besides you’re only as old as you feel so I’m bout 52 😂 nah but I would honestly suggest listening to their albums, you can hear a nice variety of sounds. Or even check out some of their covers on YouTube. It’s very short but I love their “Moonriver” cover, it’s mostly Chloe singing, but when they harmonize it’s amazing!

Hey It's Cee

Not 52 😂 . I felt that. I'll have to give them more of a listen. I'll start with the "Moon River" cover. I appreciate the discussion.