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Terrifying Doorbell Camera Footage That Will Keep You Awake At Night



See yeah, this the reason we got an alarm system and camera’s


I’m stuck with anxiety for the rest of my life from someone trying to break in when I was in like 4th grade. They waited until my dad wasn’t home and it’s was just me, my sister, and my mom. Luckily the back door was locked and they couldn’t get in but that was scary af and I’m scarred. (Edit: and we were in a fucking apartment at the time at the top floor)

Bring It!

Chileeeee, I'm glad you okay!! But yeah that's very traumatizing. My house got broken into twice and my family was at church both times!!! So it had to have been somebody who knew our schedule, we never found out who.

Devron Love

See this is why I don’t answer the damn door if I don’t know who it is! And it’s a shame because someone could be knocking for help, but I can’t trust anyone so I only answer when I’m expecting someone.


Gotta have that protection on you at all times, even in the house. It's sad