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Hamilton Cast - My Shot At The White House


Jordyne Gipson

Hamilton is a musical about Alexander Hamilton amongst others during the time where he was apart of the Declaration of Independence to his death. Lol It sounds boring but it’s really entertaining. It’s like a hip-hop type musical with some scandals in it too...

Hunter Davis

I was weak when you were like “19 where?” LMAO yeah this was the Hamilton cast so like the musical. It’s based around Alexander Hamilton and his life so they are all portraying characters so their raps were like about their character’s lives not necessarily them. But the musical is actually really good if you ever feel inclined to watch it, it’s on Disney+, it’s very hip-hop influenced there’s even samples of like biggie in there because the writer was inspired by him.

Ryan Haile

Like the others said, it's a musical about the founding father Alexander Hamilton. It's written by the guy who's second from the right and he plays Hamilton and his idea was basically to tell the story of the founding of America with a cast that represents the way that America looks today. The entire cast consists of people of color except for the people that play the British because they are supposed to be the colonizers lol. It's made to be very culturally relevant so that's why a lot of the lines connect and like you said are about some real shit and the music is mostly RnB and rap (At least influenced by rnb and rap). It's a very good musical and like Hunter said is on Disney+ if you're interested, but from what I know of your taste, I'm not gonna lie I don't think it's your type of thing. I already don't really get the feeling that musicals are your thing lmao and It's a sung-through musical so they literally don't talk, it's all told through music straight through. It can also feel to some like "history-teacher rap" at some points hahaha. All the actors are really good but personally, I struggled to enjoy the musical at first because I was told that it was rap (the cast recording even charted at number 1 on the billboard hiphop album charts) and it wasn't until I thought of it as a musical rather than a "rap-musical" that I really started enjoying it.


Most people who don't like musicals but do like hip-hop and rap usually like Hamilton.


Yeah this wasn't bad considering I don't like musicals at all, so you're correct Ryan lol I reacted to a musical type vid over here before and hated it


Yeah the guy who wrote it, Lin-Manuel Miranda, has a deep love for rap and musicals and decided to make a hip-hop musical. I had a feeling you didn't like musicals but I know you listen to rap so I thought I'd suggest this song. But the entire musical is filled with 90s rap influences like biggie for example.