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Hello everyone...

Sarada training 1.7. is finally complete... 










It is a smaller update with Tenten, new scene for Himawari and Kurotsuchi and some minor fixes... I also add some variables for future updates to make better progress for this game.

 This update is a little different from previous one mainly because I try to use new style... Not sure if it was a good step or bad, but it was fun and I hope you will enjoy it too... 

 Now I will focus on Vault repopulation and some new options in the vault and some cities... Let me know what character from the game should get some new scenes.... 

Thanks for support...



I have a hard time trusting any upload to Patreon on this day of all days lol


I would like to know when you will be releasing an updated Walkthrough. Since your game tends to bug out every couple updates and require a full replay, a guide to efficiently hitting all the achievements as quickly as possible so i can get to the new content would be appreciated. Great game by the way, definitely replayable.


I make walkthrough update today. Plus it is always good to try cheat menu at night for fast progress...


I think google drive will slowly dissapear from the net... any ideas where should i upload the game?

Tri Tran

Thanks for sending me 1.7


having to replay every character per upgrade tired me, is there's a way old saves can be integrated in?


Old save will not work, but if you use cheat menu during night it can complete story of selected characters... Or I can upload save...


question when will kaguya be add in the game or Anko or yuhi


New characters is always winner of last voting so i will slowly sdd them all one by one...


thought i should report a bug when i select the look around for himewari button at the arena it gives me an intro to the arena and moves me back to the map. Pretty sure this is a significant bug as i think your supposed to train with her to acquire the second level of namigan powers.


Thanks for reporting... can you tel me what scenes you already unlocked for her and what level is your namigan?


can someone tell me who i'm meant to give the luxury wine bottle to


Can u make hinata trainer or part with she that would be fking awesome


I was thinking about it already... but not sure how it should look for now..


I hope to have Chinese language.


hey man, found your game from some "pirate" site. got to say i am instantly hooked but i have few comments to make 1. tenten art is strangely weird compare to others. (she is 3d like while other is anime 2d like) 2. if possible, revisit some old cg and improve them (one example is the kushina scene from the scroll, naruto face is just weird straight out) 3. you can try looping the cg to create some 2~4frame animation to give a new breathe of life into game 4. option to tune text box transparency (?) or readjust cg position. some cg are strategically blocked by the text box 5. more expansion scene. i must say, i love tsunade scenes, wish to see more of it or have them nipple pen on kage bunshin scene 6. add giant gangbang scene on harem end?


I am happy my games can be founded on the many sites right now :) To your questions: 1. Tenten is drawed with using masking so her, it was probably the bad idea but I wanted to give it a shot.... 2. I slowly repairng the old scenes whitch looks bad... PS: do you think only his face look bad or whole head/body? 3. I deffinetly want to try it I already create some animations in many formats too but for unknown reasons game just do not want to play them. 4. you can use hide in the text box or press h if you play in the PC 5. I personally think expansion jutsu and henge no jutsu is the one of the best thing in the game :) so yes they will be more of them 6. It is in the plan but not sure how should it look like ps: if you have more questions / ideas write them I will try to answer :)


Amazing as always my good man keep up the great work.