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I'll be sharing my favourite comment on PH each week. Please feel free to make them as feral or as wholesome as you wish. Thank you so much. Looking forward to sharing even more wholesome degeneracy.

I'll share the comment on Twitter and express my goofy gratitude. Because I'm a goofy and grateful for the genuine interest in the stuff I make.

Hope to see some amazing and questionable comments. Not rapey questionable, just wholesome degenerate questionable.








How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


This is gonna be great

Matthew Shelby

I don't wanna win. I just wanna praise you for your voice acting. I love listening to your stuff. ☺️

sa r dran 24

Ohh, that sounds like fun

Rob Dog

i can't access PH due to my internet provider blocking the site


What… is the relative velocity of an air swallow?



Warden D.

I can't wait to leave some absolute bollocks for you Tea. LMAO.


I'm gonna have to fight the urge to post a link to my Assassin's Creed gear Google drive.

Camilo Iribarren

If it works out for this community then let’s roll. Vamonos!

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Lovely idea Tea! Hope you find some amazing comments.


This is going to be strange.


Cautiously opTEAmistic that ph comments will provide quality content lol

Joseph Brown

"Enjoy yourself, go to sleep, and wake up refreshed tomorrow."

Jonathan Stark

Did you know? Japan’s flag is also a pie chart for how much of Japan is Japan.

Lachlan Parker

If only PH actually gave me notifications. And please let me know exactly what you consider to be off-limits. I don't see myself as kinky, but I enjoy content with a few taboos that most people would not. Also, I hope that you're okay. You've truly had a hard time because of YouTube. Will you still upload to YouTube at all? I expect not, but I can hope.

Lachlan Parker

Also, and I only ask because I don't like missing out, would you be willing to link all of your PH uploads? That is, assuming that you haven't already.

Lost Puppy
