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If you don't want to date a woman who has an only fans, that's absolutely your prerogative. But when people say this it's as if they're implying that Onlyfans women are just constantly begging these guys to give them a chance. Me thinks the audacity doth protest too much.

If you don't want to be with a woman who makes NSFW content, that's your business. Just stop saying it like you're making some kind of important statement. No one gives a fuck, especially not the women on OnlyFans.

I'm 100% on board for people having their preferences. I have preferences. We all do. I wouldn't date someone in the army, I wouldn't date someone who lived in a different country, or someone who had polar opposite beliefs to me, but I know those are just my personal preferences - they're not something that needs to be made into a waving flag of 'look at me and my morals'.

Also, the same people who degrade NSFW content creators are often the people who consume it the most. Sort yourself out. I don't go to MacDonalds, and then berate the people working there.

Be an adult. Mind your business and treat people like human beings.

I've had people message me saying that 'I should be disgusted with myself' when they've paid to access the content I'm providing. Like, mate, you're the one jacking it to someone pretending to orgasm and then getting mad about it. Be like a regular person, have your wank and go about your day.

Also, it's interesting that women aren't shaming male NSFW content creators. I'm sure there are some. Women have the potential to be just as entitled and hate-filled as men, but you don't see it nearly as often. Once again, misogyny and what women do with their bodies and sexuality will never not be made 'much ado about nothing'.

P.S. Just a huge thank you to the vast majority of normal people who come for the wholesome degeneracy and then live their life. I appreciate you. I recently just signed up to an OnlyFans. I watched my porn, I paid my subscription and I didn't make it my whole personality. Thank you for showing me the way. It's nice to be on the other side of it.




I mean it's a pretty clear complex that someone has to be putting down the shit that they regularly consume 🤷


I don't think that it is largely a male thing. I do think that men have a tendency to not mention things that bother them, so it might be more like a 60/40 kind of thing. It does suck that people can be so self-contradicting, It really put things into perspective when you post things like this. Makes your job seem much less glamorous. If you want to look at the other side go to R/nicegirls, it's a good reminder that people are mostly the same regardless of gender.