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Really hope this doesn’t translate as condescending because it’s honestly just how I feel. 

I feel like being single is not only do-able during the work week, but it’s actually preferable. You can focus on your work, get all your tasks done, not have to worry about another person’s needs. But then when you have free time, it can feel a little empty. Like yes I can do exactly what I want, but it would be nice to share time with someone, do what they want to do, listen to their thoughts, go somewhere or do nothing together. 

Self-care and downtime are really important and valid, and I don’t want paint this picture of single people being pathetic because, honestly, most single people are the furtherest thing from that, but it’s also okay to admit to being a little lonely. 

So, if you can relate, then that would make me feel a little seen. And I hope this small post helps you feel seen. Because whilst I’m not unhappy, I am a little lonely. 

Just very basic thoughts, but they’re mine and maybe you have similar ones.

Drink water, eat pasta, know that you are worthy of love and romance. 



Thank you. I most definitely feel seen. It s hard sometimes for sure to work through things just all by on our lonesome but just gotta keep on keeping on. Great message btw


What I really want to know is what am I supposed to do when I only feel more alone when I'm around people? Because I know that said people want me to be around, but I feel like since I'm not feeling better, I'm wasting their time... Or I'm a fraud. Or both. A lot of times it's both.


Its in no way condescending Tea it's very true and honest words in my case. I've been single for a long time and am introverted with a nice hint of social anxiety and touch starvation. I like my time alone but I'd be lying if I said I dont get lonely sometimes. During my work week I'm busy and distracted. It's the time when works over or its the weekend or a holiday that things can get a bit iffy. I can be super excited to be waching a show or a movie and I'll suddenly think damn it would be so much better if I could share this with someone and suddenly I'm not too excited to watch the thing. Or I can be reading a grea book or article on something interesting and want to talk to someone about it. I thankfully can do that with a coworker but I have to wait until my next shift. Ive combat it with hobbies and reading and podcasts but I've learned I can build as many gunpla as I want and read as many books as I want and listen to as many podcasts as I want but sometimes all I really want is a friend that I can call or message with and know that they're there wanting to listen to me. My few online friends can sometimes do this other times its a host of unread messages and this person is offline notifications. For whatever reason I feel it more when they dont communicate than when my handful of offline friends do the same to me. I get it though everyone has different obligations and things they're doing and get busy doing their stuff so they'll miss a call or message. Thanks for this post and being real about this being a struggle for you because I'd be hard pressed to bring this up myself. I hope you have a great long weekend Tea and that you can fill up moments with things that make you feel happy and that you can share those moments with as many people as you can:)


Yeah I feel that. It’s my birthday next week but all I can focus on is how a few days after it I will have been single for 10 years. Yeah I manage most of the time by keeping myself as busy as possible but it sure does suck in the quiet moments when it would be nice of there was just someone to share things with. Dogs certainly do help with that of course but it still hurts feeling like something is missing.


I did eat pasta for tea today. No drinking water though, I had milk.


It’s not condensing, and what you said makes a lot of sense and is understandable. As someone who’s been single since 2010, it does get incredibly lonely and frustrating all the time especially when you go to bed and want to cuddle with someone, but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable or sad all the time or give up on finding love. It’s that hope that keeps me optimistic and patient for The One to come to me.

Cullen Nash

As a matter of fact, I had myself some pasta today. Carbonara, to be precise. Enjoy your down time, Tea.




I don't think it's condescending at all. These past few years I've gotten better about not letting the loneliness overtake me. There are a lot of days where I'm glad I don't have to deal with other people's needs and I can just relax. Still, I have that desire to share my life with another person. It's not so much that I believe it's something I HAVE to have, but I would very much like to have it.


You know what's ironic? I was just thinking about this topic yesterday. I've been divorced for almost 2 years, and yes it really is a feeling of freedom. However at the same time I've never fully accepted the fact that I feel loneliness until now. Unfortunately I'm a fun weirdo who lives in an anti-social state which makes things a little difficult. Though I still have the optimistic hope that love and happiness will find me for a change. Until then, I'm doing my best to live life. Thank you for your honest and wise words, Tea 💜🎶

The Moisturizer

I love my alone time more than anyone. But alone time together is not to be taken for granted for sure.


ive never made any new friends in the new area i moved to since starting my apprenticeship but i keep myself busy by just doing shit i want and when i get lonely i call my sister or ask my friends from highschool wanna play anything


As someone who has been single their whole life, I know how it feels to have that emptiness be a constant reminder of what you don't have. Like you said, most of the time it's good to have your own space, peace and quiet, and the freedom to do what you wish without having anyone waiting at home for you. By the same token, there is also a warmth that comes from being in someone's arms, having their energy blend with yours, and sometimes wanting to rush home to them. It took me a long time to get to a point where I knew I didn't need another human being to have a full, complete, or happy life, but I also know there's nothing wrong with yearning for someone to share life's adventures with. Being reminded that others feel that too is a comfort in and of itself so thank you for that Tea. I hope someday the gods bless you with someone worthy of you and all your wonder.

Da Doofus

Replace pasta with omelettes and yeah. It’s a difficult thing but it’s sometimes easier to deal with depending on the week. It’s like any other thing that causes a downed mood. You’re seen, and we’re all human. I personally appreciate and am grateful for your honesty because it is a reminder that at the end of the day we’re all in this same world dealing with similar stuff.

Richard Hardslab

I generally don't have a problem admitting that I'm lonely, but it's also not been common for people to ask. Thankfully I don't have the 'feeling' of it too often, although I'll have it randomly. I'll tend to have reminders that I want companionship, but also reminders that I'm just not sure I'm ready for it or that I'll be a bad partner because a lot of being single is thinking about yourself first and foremost. It's all kind of weird, sometimes frustrating, and a reminder that if I want something to survive myself I need to create something with my name on it.

Jeremiah Johnson

This post puts exactly what I'm feeling into words. I'm right there with you. And that's one of the many reasons why you are awesome!

Mike Taylor

Check your DMs.


I’ve honestly been feeling the same way as of recently. Luckily for me I have a friend group that always want to do stuff during the weekend so it’s not as bad. But I’ve been really feeling that bit of just wanting to sit and relax with someone, maybe even make them breakfast, or even go on a hike to enjoy the weather but just end up coming back to reality In a empty apartment.


I'm a college student and I live alone in my apartment, it has been almost a year since I left my parents' house and at first, I also felt that feeling of loneliness but over time, one ends up getting used to it. Wow, college life can be frustrating at times, to the point that people end up quitting their majors because of the degree of difficulty they imply, I'm doing my best to keep going and not fall into depression because of it.

Lost Puppy


Andrew Nelson

I have been an alone for so long that I don't know any more if a girlfriend/wife in my live would make me happy. Or if I would be able to make her happy.

Tom Wraithwolf Harvey

Generally, i stay busy enough being lonely doesn't get to me that much. If it starts to creep up, i throw myself into a project, there are always things to be done. For me, i feel it when i go to plan a trip. Convention, theme park, anything that i think looks cool, but then i remember i would be going alone, and it becomes an "oh well, nevermind." We used to do trips together about once a month, or at worst every three months. I miss that.


Feeling this a lot lately, I’m having to do a bunch of classes to get licensed as a stock broker and rn, it’s about 10 hours of studying a day, so it’s nice to be able to focus solely on that on weekdays. But when the weekend roles around, I get very lonely, I’d love to be able to sit on the couch or lay in bed with someone and just be able to talk about the week and unwind. Feel like I’m seen by someone who listens to what is going on, and be able to take comfort in their presence. It doesn’t help that modern dating is so toxic and removed from connection. You can only meet people through apps nowadays and even then it’s so surface level. There’s no build up to a relationship, you either hookup, or rush very quickly into dating. I just want a human connection man. Hell, a friendship would be great.


As a recently-made single, I feel this. I've gotten over the worst of the break-up, but I still feel that tingle of loneliness whenever I'm just sitting there and looking at the wall/screen, not really sure what to do. Its good to know that we're not alone in this thoughts and feelings.

Kevin Loftice

I’ve been asking myself for years why do women shun me I always get the same bullshit excuses for not even giving me a chance with a single date not even as a friend just to see how I’m really like as a person. I try to be content on my own but it’s been that way my entire adult life and now I’m 35 and still alone never been loved, snuggled, or even cared for outside my family severely starved for affection and love I feel like I’m losing my sanity 💔💔😢😢


I am new here, and very much appreciating your realness. And your playfulness and comforting energy. I have been single for a few years and doing a lot of inner work....and now in a place where I am thoroughly enjoying my own time. And I also feel lonely often. I am enjoying the connections I have at work and in the world, and there is also this longing to have a partner to amplify love with and have fun with in a deeper way. Anyway thank you for curating this cozy playful little space. 💜