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Not everyday looks the same. 

If you worked out yesterday, but not today - that's okay.

If you were more productive last week than this week - that's okay.

If you need more sleep for the next month, get more sleep - It's all okay.

People are not machines. We have to adapt to how we're feeling, our hormones, and the changing influences of our spheres. 

✨Everyday doesn't have to look the same, feel the same, have the same results.✨

I have a horrible habit of getting high off of being productive, and then when I can't meet that same rate of productivity the next day, getting really frustrated and down. 

Not only is it not possible to consistently work or be at the same rate, it's also not functional. We need different rhythms and moods to accomplish different things. Things that feel frustrating, often just need to be leaned into. The path of least resistance can absolutely be the way to go.

Remember: days are their own little stories. And if every story was the same, they'd be pretty pointless. 

So, whatever it looks like, have a good day, take a breath, and go at whatever rate you're at.



Thank you person behind tea ❤️




Beautiful words, as always, filled with wisdom born from experience. Thank you, Miss Tea.


You have no idea how bad I needed to hear that without even knowing. Thank you 🙏


Its hard for me, since I can draw in a spiral alot of the time

Elijah King

Thanks for the kind words tea

Phoenix Brave Hideki

Once again thank you Tea for your wonderful advice


Thank you for the lovely posts Tea!


Yes, you are absolutely right, but I especially remember your phrase: days are their own little stories. And if every story was the same, they'd be pretty pointless. This phrase has the most meaning.

Lost Puppy


King Demon

Thank you 💕


I am also very encouraged when I feel that I am very productive, but after a while I burn out. It upsets me because I want to be productive all the time. But you opened my eyes to this problem ... I will try to take it more easy...