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The highest tier teacups never get enough! Never! These ladies and gentlemen give so much and ask so little. 

My business has survived a global pandemic and these gemstones are a huge part of that. As such, I need to do something extra. 

Now I can't cope with social media, but I actually love sending letters. 

I figure every month, I could choose a new person to send a letter to - just me rambling, wishing you well, handing out some gift cards, maybe even sharing little personal things too. 

So, would anyone like to be my penpal? 

Best wishes,




That would be wonderful, I'd love it.


This sounds like a lovely thing, in fact I just upgraded to super cup to have a chance in this

Morgan Jacobs

Oooh, that sounds like so much fun!!! ^u^ I love receiving letters, so I certainly hope I'd be lucky enough to get one!!!


Hey Tea, so I do have a counter proposal if you're so inclined. I could send you a handwritten letter. I sometimes do this with friends. I'd ask a P.O. box as to not risk doxxing, but I could send such a letter. I've send carepackages and letters across the world and it's a fun hobby work on something with care and see it arrive safely after a long journey. It'd be a honour to send you one as well :D


I'd love to be a pen pal, sounds like a wonderful idea.


Oh hell yeah


I’d love to!


Would defiantly enjoy that

George Simpson

Sounds like a wonderful idea! Everyone needs someone to talk to, regardless of what it may be about.