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“Wherever your dad is, whatever he’s doing… he’s missing out…big time.”


It's Father's Day in the UK.

Shout-out to good dads, great kids and the adults still healing from childhood.

Whether your dad's a nasty or a goodie, you deserved a loving dad who put you first. And I am so sorry if you didn't get that.


Script & Audio by TeacupAudio


All audios are works of fiction and should be enjoyed as such.



No way you made a audio with your marge simpsons voice what a chad move

Omar Walker

I'm mostly civil with my dad at best but due to things he's said and done in the past, I doubt I'll ever trust himself enough to be open and share my thoughts and feelings with him.

Connor Kidd

My father (he's not my Dad, he never earned that title) was an manipulative bastard who wanted nothing more than a son just like him. He abused my Mum, for what little time she was around, and he left me and my sister (at the time my Brother) with my Mums Brother who looked after me as best he could while he went to work 'like a proper man'. When Ben (Mums Brother, always names with Ben) got so ill he ended up in Intensive Care for 6 months, he fobbed us off on Mums Grandparents. When it became apparent that I was a 'wimp' he started trying to get my Sister to be like him instead. And he very subtly turned us against eachother - he only abused me if there were two of us, but whenever she was alone with him he would smack her around and gaslight her as much as he did me when it was both of us. We only saw him weekends, but he had us just convinced enough that we needed him that we never questioned it. It ended when my Sister asked him to fulfill a promise of a little money that he had made the Christmas before hand, and he refused unless he could be there to control the exact outcome, exactly what it was spent on. We got so mad, my sister blocked his number. He tried to call me. Ben changed the house-phone the same day, I blocked him the day after. By this point, we weren't even seeing him weekends, he'd left the country to pursue better jobs and marry again but insisted we come and see him sometimes. So we told him no. We wrote him a letter and said "here's what you'll do if you want to know us. If you don't do it, we'll know you have no respect for us as young adults." He never did what we asked. Never even tried to reach compromise. 13 years on from that, my Sister os finally in the body she needed. She's finally herself. And She and I are best friends again, and whilst he's left us both with C-PTSD, we still sleep better at night knowing he is a sad, lonely old grouch who will never get to know the love of his children again.


my father is complicated. his children are all lgbtq, and he's a diehard trump supporter. makes it difficult to talk to him when all he wants is for us to get union jobs like him and work in construction, our dreams be damned. but he still lets us live here, for minimal rent per month. so it's... mixed.