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Genuinely concerned about my health over the last two years. I don’t go two months without getting sick. I eat healthy (mostly), I exercise and don’t smoke or drink. But I am just constantly unwell. Ah, might time to go the GP and have them tell me to take a lavender bath




See if you can get in contact with an immunologist. Sometimes PTSD can manifest this way too. Best of luck, Tea.

Cooper Little

Some niggas just be sick sometimes 🤷‍♂️. I got the rona back in the day and haven't gotten sick since. White blood cells just do whatever the fuck they want


Answer Yourself this - when did You have some true holidays or vacation? And I don't mean some "me time" in the afternoon or lazy sunday morning. I mean at least 1 week (2 preferably) off from EVERYTHING. Total mind reset. People tend to neglect this and make themselves believe that some Netlfix'n'chill evening now and then or friday night bottle party is enough. Usually - it isn't and Your organism will tell You that, in very uncomfortable way.


I honestly don't know how to help here. Thankfully a lot of people have had some great advice. But if I had to guess it could be something stress related.


Check your vitamin d levels

David Murphy

Go get a physical check up. Hope you feel better. 💗