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Hello Teacup. I bring grim tidings but with a silver lining. Your audios are great and have helped get through a lot. I love all the hard work you put into them and as you know, I love the MILF series especially. Alas, it is time I leave for greener pastures. Youโ€™ll be glad to hear that after being single for so long, I finally have a girlfriend. One whom I love a lot and am quite happy with. But this means that Iโ€™ll have to leave Patreon behind because I need to start saving up money for our future ๐Ÿ˜… all in all, I appreciate all the content you put out and I wish you only the best. Keep doing a wonderful job, I believe in you. Your community is loving and welcoming and thatโ€™s because of you and your guidance. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for doing what you do and may you prosper forever more.


Ah, that's amazing! Congratulations, lovely. Thank you for all the wonderful support you've shown me. I wish you and your lovely partner a wonderful 2024. Stay safe and look after each other :)




Lucky guy ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Andrew Nelson

It seems the Teacup is the luck charm for many of these happy ending.