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I finally got my copy of We Are Not Really Strangers in. It is an amazing way to get to know people better so we are going to play it together. We are covering the first two rounds right now so each week there will be a Connection Video where I answer some personal questions and a Perception Video where I ask things and you can reply in the comments of how you perceive me to be and I will make a video the next week giving my answer to those questions. So be sure to check out both videos!


Let's Play We're Not Really Strangers Perception 2-23-21

I finally got my copy of We Are Not Really Strangers in. It is an amazing way to get to know people better so we are going to play it together. We are covering the first two rounds right now so each week there will be a Connection Video where I answer some personal questions and a Perception Video where I ask things and you can reply in the comments of how you perceive me to be and I will make a video the next week giving my answer to those questions. So be sure to check out both videos!



1. First impression - Hairy, masculine hunk 😀. 2. Dog or cat person - dog. 3. Creative or analytical - creative, your love of the outdoors indicates a connection with nature which often runs hand-in-hand with creativity plus your talent at cosplay suggests creativity too. 4. Splurge - Anything that helps you make the most of your time off, so gaming stuff, maybe movie memorabilia, camping gear. 5. Movie character - definately the ‚bad guy‘. 😀 I could see you having the most fun playing a protagonist like the joker in Batman.

Richard G

1) First Impression. Hard to answer since IG is solely a video medium and the first things I saw were only pictures but since they were all cosplay kind of thing I saw someone who liked fantasy, and was a bit of a fanatic about it (in a nice way meaning very heavily into it). 2) dog 3) Analytical 4) Splurge on things you do for fun 5) Fantasy hero.


1. My first impression of you - incredibly attractive person 2. I can't really eplain why but I got this feeling that you're definitely a dog person 3. You seams more like a creative type because of your cosplays and stuff like that but I also feel like you have a good grasp or reality because after exploring your content on youtube and other platform I found some more serious things - a good example would be you podcast and topics that you've talked about 4. I think that you're most likely splurge on 2 things : - practical things that would pay off in a long run like a camera, repairs in the house, repairing your car; overall things and situations when you're paying for a noticeable difference in quality and paying more means it'll last longer - your friends/familly whether it would be gifts or any other thing that would involve money because so far I'm getting "that vibe" from you which makes me think that you're very loving and carrying person and you're willing to do plenty to make people around you happy 5. I think that the role of a protagonist would suit you well. I don't know you personally but I believe that your personality is pretty strong, strong enought to guide others but also gentle enought to listen to others. You have some hardships in your live (I assume just like everybody else) and you're facing them without being ashamed of them and because of this you can be a great motivation for others. If you heard about "My Hero Academia" I'd say you're either All Might or the combination of All Might and Midoria


I think you should be a profiler for the FBI 🥰😉 1. You are very kind thank you haha 😅 2. I'm literally a dog in man form. 3. Creation is my way of finding that zen time. It makes me feel better and gives me purpose. 4. I'm not a "stuff" guy. I'm very practical but I do splurge on gifts for others. Travel is another splurge for me. Experiences is what I crave the most. 5. Haha I'm usually the charge ahead guy. I may not always make the best decisions but I always think action is the best way to get to the bottom of stuff. My friends often say they feel safe around me because I look out for everyone and I'm always planning ahead.


I’m flattered☺️ and thanks for correcting my assumptions. It’s really nice to be able to get to know you better