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So i saw some people commenting on the quality of my wembs and it got me thinking. I never wanted to make the gap between my tumblr stuff and patron. But looking over some of the last few webms, the quality gets pretty horrendous.

Was wondering what peoples thoughts are on this and maybe any advice. Only thing i could think of was to release mp4's to my tumblr* aswell but at a lower resolution. That way they dont get the low quality webms with artifacts and my patrons are still rewarded.

Just some thoughts xD



Dropbox links to mp4s for patrons is a pretty popular way I've seen to handle this.


Yeah I never understood why you released videos as webm. mp4 is the format generally used. I personally use ffmpeg to produce mp4. ffmpeg -i "$*" -c:v libx264 -crf 13 output.mp4 for example


for what it's worth, I don't patreon to be better than other people, I just do it to do my part to you mate. If you get better quality stuff out there, so u get more patrons , so you can live more comfortably then it's for sure the right decision, I would hope the majority of your patrons are in a similar place.


Yeah, what Glenno said sounds pretty good. You already have some of the highest quality stuff out there, so a better video format would probably be the better way to go!


I support Pew on patreon because these are the best damn animations out there and I want to see more! Put higher quality video out there and it should lead to more sharing and new patrons.


Another vote for Pew as producing the best animations. It is your quality that makes you special, not the size. I decided to become a contributor because I felt your work needed to be encouraged due to its exceptional quality. You are the artist, you do what you think best.


I'll think of something. Thanks for the kinds words :)