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Gfy / Dropbox 


Gfy / Dropbox 

Soo last few animations i been using the new render engine Eevee (blender). Its been slow so far mostly cause its new so there is not much in the way of information and guides and it has it's share of short comings that you need to learn to work around.

The positive is this took about 2 days to render and composite at 4k, where is if i was using the old engine (Cycles) it would of taken much much longer. 

Now Cycles i know really well, so i'd be able to make things look better but i have been getting some good tips from other artists so hopefully i can pick it up quickly~




Looking good! Good to hear other artists have useful tips, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it completely :)


More Witcher


I noticed the "hårz dildoduw anemations" with Lara Croft weren't in the dropbox-folders. Anything else missing you know of? Trudging through Patreons SLOW "show more" chat-log would excruciatingly painful :S


Blacked version pls !!!