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Sooo 3 out of the 5 are pretty much done. 4 and 5 have the ground work animated just gotta go through and flesh it out.

Lighting is done. Background/props is mostly done.

Just need to do some hair physics and touch up a few things here and there.

Will start rendering out the first 3 and finish off 4 and 5 tomorrow or the next day~

Will post some screenshots on my discord of the first 3 shots as they render!

Also also. Going to try out this addon that might make fluid animation easier. Will see how it goes ^.^


Martin Steen

Do you know when it will be out?


I'd say about 3 days maybe. 3/5 poses are finished and rendered out. 4 is basically done and will be rendered out today. 5th will be tomorrow than i'll need a day to do some post processing on it all~


How much longer?