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Harley animation is fin~ Rendering out 2 or 3 angles for this one. 1st Angle is already rendered with the 2nd started~

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Sooo i got my PC parts. Put it all together, got it up and running. Downside is the case is super small. The 2 GPU's are cramped and basically blow hot air into each other. Under stress they run at almost 80c D: which is too hot for rendering (days at a time).

So i went and ordered a new case. Much, MUCH bigger case. Sucks, have to wait another few days for delivery, than have to pull everything apart again but thats all part of the learning process i suppose :D~



Always always get the biggest case you can handle. Hardware always runs better cooler (part of which is more spaced). Thanks for the multiple angles!


If you find a few extra dollars here and there, also a water cooler for you cpu will help ambient temperature a lot inside of the case. They make stand alone units specifically for CPUs. Might be something to look into if you haven't already!


Funny thing about that. I actually bought a water cooler for the cpu but it wouldnt fit D: New case will fit it in with ease!


which GPU's did you get?


How's the GTX 1070 For rendering?