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Hello! I will be spending the rest of the week mainly trying to wrap up Sexsona 2! The final sex scene and cum shot scene is being worked on right now. I can't say with 100% confidence but I think we are shooting for a November 30th release date. It would be sooner for sure if the renders for this animation were not taking 5 x longer than most animations. I had this same problem last time, which is why we cut the original episode short. In fact, this Episode 2 was actually supposed to be the rest of Episode 1 -_- 

ANYWHO, Episode 2 is around 9 minutes long! I will let you know as soon as possible when I have a rock solid, rock hard release date!

My brain is a little melty right now so that's all I have to say about that.




Thanks for the updates, Red!


Cannot wait! I wonder if there will coincidentally be elements of NNN involved in this episode for whatever reason

Terrence Bohlken

The size of those Eyes just Kills Me....Ya we will go with Eyes....


9 minutes of nasty evil fantasy! Perfect! Oooops,...did I type that out loud....As Hagrid repeatedly says..."I should'nt have said that...I should not have said that... :) WELL, we'll just have to be patient I guess....Off to beat ol' Dumbledore