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HELLO! Today has been a VERY long day so I am going to keep this short and sweet, like a certain someone's mom's penis 😍 (you know who you are).

AMRL10 Part 2 is around 28% done! I will have another animation preview for you later this week. BUT let's just say, SOMEONE is BALLS DEEP in SOMEONE. And SOMEONE ELSE is about to be BALLS DEEP in SOMEONES ELSE

ALSO, in doing some calculations, I discovered today that P + enis = PENIS

Which is pretty wild. Can't believe science never figured this out before.

What are my tax dollars even funding if it's not PENIS.




Balls deep is a great place to be. Happy penis Red.


Rather see my tax dollars spent on PENIS than the other crap those PUSSY politicos spend it on.


You are so mean. Why do you talk about my mom so badly! I’m keeping your keys forever! Forrrrr Evvvvv-ver!

El Magnifico

What an amazing angle in that preview! This one is gonna be a humdinger!

Viking Vetr

Have you considered that Pe + nis = Penis or that Fu + ta = Futa ???

Jason Bourne

Don't ever change, Red 😄


Oh my god I can’t wait