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I don't know quite how to say this but today I learned that 96 is just 69 with the numbers in the wrong spot.

I want to apologize to everyone from dropping this information on you if you were not aware. I am not sure who is responsible for this perversion of the sacred number but as soon as I figure out who created the number 96 I will ensure I do everything I can to put a stop to whatever the hell it is they are trying to do.

Sleep well tonight knowing that I am on the case.




This hit me kind of hard. I'm not sure what to do now


Can't wait to see this it should be good


Ill make a support grp, probably should have set that up before making this post. hang in there...


Mmmmm..... Grilled cheese sandwich.


Yep, you're a hoot! But 96 is NOT A perversion of 69! It is a rest period to 69 again....


I sincerely hope that 96 is not something like simultaneously farting on each other's back of the head.

Steve Osborne

It’s even worse, it’s the 6 and the 9 in the upside down. Stranger things have happened…


The council shall decide your fate.

Ben Ward

96 is just butt to butt. It is perfectly natural.


I know I rest easier knowing that Red is patrolling the streets, doling out justice. The hero we deserve!


I want to know what you plan to do to the person responsible for creating the number 96 Red. Because depending on the punishment I might confess....

Robert D.

96 is what happens after you finish and roll over.


Thank you red. It is truly a travesty to play with such meaningful numbers like. For goodness sake, keep them in the right order!!!

Dylan Thomas James

69 does better fit the theme of your videos LoL


Are you saying this is only 69% complete, or are you trying to be funny?


No no, see, 69 means that two people have their faces facing each other's crotches. 96 means they're facing each other's asses! Simple!


So you're only 69% complete?? Damn


Lol no it’s 96% done but I’m just mega embarrassed about using the numbers 6 and 9 the wrong way

Taylor Moon

So does that mean the animation is coming this weekend?


I hope you get to the bottom of this.

William Cramer

Wasn't it 87% before? Now it dropped down to 69%


When "Agatha" is on the case, I have no worries . may you find your culprit .

William Cramer

Red, just curious, will any of the characters in your upcoming releases be getting pregnant?


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