Kitten Tamer Update - 98.8675309% Done (Patreon)
2021-08-10 16:27:36
Heya all! I just wanted to share a quick update about Kitten Tamer. For now its still looks like we are on track for an August 20th release date (probably sooner). We have 2 segments mostly done and will be finishing them up this week.
Once all the animation is done, I will let you know and attempt to get SFX and VA work done ASAP.
Kitten Tamer 98.8675309% Completed
- Intro (Done)
- Thirsty Kitten (WIP)
- Bad Kitten (Done)
- Preparing the Kitten (Done)
- position 1 (Rendering...)
- position 2 (Done)
- Sperms! (Done)
- Ending (Done)